menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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DIVORCE41. Divorces by duration of marriage cross-classified by age (continued)[See note at head of table.]Continent, country, year andduration of marriage (in years)All agesous age-2020-2425-29HUS BAND-EPOUX (age in years-age en annees)30-3435-39Unknown40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 plus Inconnu---------------II---~--I---------+----+_--+---_+---____il_-+--j_-+--_l__--+--+----+---j_---ASIA (continued)Japan 9 10 (continued)196619 .10-14 .15--19.20 and over.Unknown.1 303452326861 64962--5438175309533211463211463216101438091 15017844124448939042712714942261487108305212715915393729955292555251213342Jordan' 1 19671'2All durations.Under 1....1.2 . .15-19 .20 and over.1 3911462832261621259469543815903257266171112826090683516933173374584827311313641030023444835432523187627115681424242081067117134144527121091312812116712605335544397124935712332326210161421224183123211482.51021121353Ryukyu Islands 131967All durations ..Under 1.12 .3.4 . . .9. . .10-14 ..15-19 .20 and over.Unknown.774118114907056513235262263363922224520117521934249372114144516195282526241914171510566142159121410157712818123553532312313151031413111114312572323221212458291212118 1------35---­251224142521337222EUROPEAustria1967'4All durations .Under 1 .1 . . . . . . . . . .2.......... . .3. . .4 .5 .6. . .7 .8 .9 .10-14. . .15-19 .20 and over. . .Unknown .88803948659229047836275484234073031 079824799213581 142138350285216111329242295278400425404328247139702871317396610310312111813513315811122911 242397352666561747386853951685985243033363731403843362383217865217192120171823191614971811904267111216817108161153581993351087108865910244918119361346563546172692938323313311214403214323254821522131115721 Data tabulated by year of registration rather than occurrence.9 Data are for Japanese nationals in Japan only. Excluding data for BoninIslands which were formerly administered under military government by theUnited States but reverted to Japan on 26 June 1968 and are now included inthe prefecture of Tokyo.10 Data are divorces that were granted and registered in the same year.1 Donnees exploitees selon I'annee de I'enregistrement et non I'annee deI'evenement.9 Les taux ne concernent que les ressortissants japonaise se trouvant au Japon.Non compris les iles Bonin, anterieurement administrees par les Etats-Unis sousgouvernement militaire, mais restituees au Japon Ie 27 juin 1968 et maintenantrattachees Ii la prefecture de Tokyo.10 Divorces prononces et enregistres la meme annee.768

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