menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

menage - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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NUPTIALITE31. Marriages cross-classified by age and previous marital status (continued)­Mariages classes selon I'age et I'etat matrimonial anterieur (suite)[See note at head of table.-Voir note au debut du tableau.]Continent, country, year andage (in years)Continent, pays, annee etage (en annees)AllconditionsEnsembleSingleCelibataireBRIDEGROOM-EPOUXWidowedVeufDivorcedDivorceUnknownInconnuAllconditionsEnsembleBRIDE-EPOUSESingle Widowed DivorcedCelibataire Veuve DivorceeUnknownInconnuAMERICA, NORTH­AMERIQUE DU NORDAntigua1964tAll ages-Tous ages.Under 15-Molns de 15.15-19....20-24..25-29...30-34..35-39.40-44 .45-49 .50-54 .55-59 .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plus.Unknown ~ lnconnu.24413272453024111266322231327243272279521212112213291222112442571552919201291323525715529191511613411254Barbados- Barbade1967All ages-Tous ages .Under 15-Moins de 15.15-19 .20-24 .25-29 .30-34 .35-39..40-44.45-49.50-54.. . .55-59 .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plus ..Unknown -Inconnu. . .97092022551757969524335262586492012531697459392817105652128810151841244857812970185307203128755148262212102.92118530720012369463923157423022371456193342223Canada1966All ages-Tous ages ..Under 15-Moins de 15.15-19.............. .. .20-24.. . . . . . . . . . .25-29 .30-34.35-39. . . . . . . .40-44. . .45-49.. . . . . . . . .50-54.. . . . . . .55-59 .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plus..Unknown -Inconnu.15559611 660805533467911 1015442325522311 8191 4921 17121903142261116548020733195937938481 84088853831920118936126238140211316437571740898853920720943081 3441 5111 278978772541275117811555967647626731541612855883362254920671 6391 2629051 2373142054764756072 0581433738751 8021 0195833411991109136879171983173805347529249929057321286663498981 4741 3331 0267785603061586318Costa Rica1967All ages-Tous ages.. . .Under 15-Moins de 15 .15-19 .20-24 .25-29 .30-34 .35-39 .40-44...... . .45-49 .50-54 .55-59. . . .60-64 .65 and over-65 et plus.Unknown -Inconnu...89237844063225984640419712274683759108595782405622248013441668851372019717031818191711132014352149141525391423910351922289232193796294210653861961108839331519158749219379229271 041361175916824209814882264121111121369779172098832192411t Data tabulated by year of registration rather than occurrence637t Donnees exploitees selon I'annee de I'enregistrement et non I'annee del'evenement

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