Plaquette récapitulative - BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Plaquette récapitulative - BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Plaquette récapitulative - BNP Paribas Personal Finance

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Identifier les clientsen situation de fragilitéÉtape ultime d’une politique d’accompagnementbien menée, l’identification préventive des clients en difficultédoit permettre d’agir avant que le premier impayéne survienne. Ainsi, ce programme, mis en place d’aborden France, permet de proposer diverses solutions enfonction de la situation du client, comme le reportd’échéances, le réaménagement de la dette, l’aide d’uneassociation pour gérer l’ensemble du budget, etc.Proposer un service demédiation indépendantToujours dans le souci de privilégier une démarched’écoute et de pédagogie, en phase avec les valeursfondamentales de crédit responsable ® , le dispositifde médiation indépendant de Cetelem, mis enplace d’abord en France, a permis depuis début 2010,année de son premier exercice, de trouver dessolutions pour des ménages qui, hier, restaientinsatisfaits. Confié à une personnalité non salariéede l’entreprise, ce service de médiation indépendantest unique en France – <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong>est le premier établissement spécialisé à avoir crééun tel système de concertation – et permet à toutclient particulier, qui n’aurait pas obtenu de réponsesatisfaisante suite à une réclamation, d’avoir toutel’attention d’un interlocuteur prêt à écouter et àétudier son recours.Identifying vulnerablecustomers➦ As the final stage in a well-implemented customersupport policy, the preventive identification of customersin difficulty should enable action to be takenbefore any payment is missed. So this program,first introduced in France, allows a range of differentsolutions to be offered, depending on the situationof the customer concerned. These may includepostponing payment dates, rescheduling the debtor bringing in a specialist service to provide overallmoney management support.Offering an independentmediation service➦ Another initiative consistent with the desire to promoteattentiveness and education in accordance withthe fundamental values of responsible lending, theCetelem independent mediation service was introducedinitially in France at the beginning of 2010 to identify solutionsfor households where previous response mechanismshad proved unsatisfactory. Run by specialistsindependent of the company, this mediation serviceis unique in France – <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong>is the first specialist lender to have createdsuch a dialog-based system – and allows anypersonal customer who feels that they havenot received a satisfactory response to acomplaint to receive the full attention ofa mediator who is prepared to listen andidentify ways towards a resolution.In France, <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong><strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> is theonly company in itsmarket to publish threekey business indicatorsevery year: the refusalrate, the percentageof accounts withnormal repaymentstatus, and the rateof risk. The high levelof control it exercisesover the grantingof loans, and thereforethe associated risk,means that more than97% of all lendingis repaid infull in 2011.• l’étude de la cohérence du projet,la vérification de la solvabilitédu demandeur en contrôlantles justificatifs fournis ;• le calcul de la mensualité la plusadaptée au budget du demandeur ;• la sélection rigoureuse descommerçants et distributeurshabilités à proposer l’offre de créditsde <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong>(via ses marques commerciales),en suivant en permanence la qualitéde leur service.➦ Prevention rather than cure,and building customer trustPreventing overindebtedness is a key commitmentfor <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong>. The foundations forthis commitment were laid at a very early stage in France,and involve:• The ability to say NO in the best interests of the applicant.On average, Cetelem declines one-third of consumer loanapplications in France• Systematic reference to the central payment recordsdatabase (Fichier des Incidents de Paiement or FICP)for every loan application in France• Ensuring that individual plans are realistic, and thatapplicants are sufficiently creditworthy by checkingall the supporting documentation supplied• Calculating the monthly payment most appropriatefor the applicant's budget• Rigorous selection of retailers and distributorsauthorized to offer <strong>BNP</strong> <strong>Paribas</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> loans(via their own commercial brands) through continualmonitoring of the service quality they deliver

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