World Bank Document

World Bank Document

World Bank Document


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COMMUNAUTE ELECTRlQUE DU BENIN 13 Decembre 2008the financing of the project. The Benino-Togolese Code of electricity states that operationsnecessary to the implementation of power generation facilities are declared public utility bythe competent State. This code also states that, the neceqsary expropriation andcompensation procedures shall be carried out in acc@$ance with local laws. These laws callfor namely a fair and prior compensation in cases a' declaration of public utility infringes onproperty rights.The socio-economic assessments conducted by the surveyors among the affectedvillages and families allowed for taking stock of the assets of the PAPS anddetermining their lifestyle.The corridor crosses the lands of twenty three villages in three communes: Avrankou, Akpro- MissBrett5 and SakBtB that are part of the highest population density areas in Benin. Theaffected families are distributed as follows:- 17 families affected at Sakete, with a total of 17 houses to be displaced;- 25 families affected at Akpro MisserBtB, with a total of 44 houses to be displaced;- 19 families affected at Avrankou, with at total of 20 houses to be displaced.The families affected by the construction of the T-line own their houses. Almost all thefamilies are farmers. Livestock farming is not an important activity in the area. The highproximity with big cities helps the development of trade and petty jobs.In th~s area near the cap~tal, modern private pro$ertfSlght'governi land tenure and use ofland located in the corridor. All the rural or urban lands are split up, mostly waitlng to bedivided up, and belong to landlords.The institutional and operational framework of the resettlement involves the followingstakeholders. As project owner and beneficiary of the declaration of public utility, CEB willoversee the financing and implementation of the resettlement action plan. Because of thesignificant resources required to implement the measures of the resettlement action plan,CEB will delegate the implementation of part of these measures to a specialised NGO and aland surveyor firm for land issues relating to the affected lands. Local authorities will take partin all discussions and negotiations between CEB the NGO and the private individuals. Theywill countersign, with CEB and the individuals, the form of cross-assessment of assetslocated within the right-of-way , under the supervision of a Local Resettlement Committee setup in each commune. The Agence BBninoise pour I'Environnement will intervene togetherwith CEB in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the resettlement actionplan.The valuation of the losses of the PAPS was carried out through direct survey and areplacement cost or compensations were determined:- for each family to be displaced, according to the nature and surface area of thelrdwell~ng (~nclud~ng materials and labour ~osts)~,~'e~house anc~llary bulldings were alsoLigne 161 V haute tension Porto Novo - SaketePlan de reinstallation des populations

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