World Bank Document

World Bank Document

World Bank Document


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COMMUNAUTE ELECTRIQUE DU BENIN 15 , .:'+ Ddcembre 2008into consideration, namely regarding the association of village authorities in the settlementprocedures, information on the Project, and a number of details on the affected families.The implementation of the resettlement action plan is scheduled over about one year period.This implementation (compensation and physical displacement of PAPS) will take placebefore the effective commencement of the clearing and grubbing works on each affectedsite.The monitoring and evaluation of the resettlement action plan measures will first becarrled out by the environment and social department of CEB, a firm of external expertsresponsible for the project supervision and the NGO. Specific budgets have been forecastedfor this item and incorporate regular monitoring and evaluation of the progress of theoperations, field visits, and regular meetings among the stakeholders: CEB, Communes,Local Resettlement Committees, and NGO. A follow-up of the implementation of theresettlement action plan will also be carried out by the Agence Beninoise pourI'Environnement, which will have a budget accordingly:Ligne 161 V haute tension Porto Novo - SakdtePlan de reinstallation des populations

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