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The original interim consolidated financial statements included hereinare in the Indonesian language.PT RESOURCE ALAM INDONESIA Tbk.DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYACATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGANINTERIM KONSOLIDASIANTanggal 31 Maret 2014(Disajikan dalam dolar AS, kecuali dinyatakan lain)PT RESOURCE ALAM INDONESIA Tbk.AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESNOTES TO INTERIM THE CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIAL STATEMENTSMarch 31, 2014(Expressed in U.S. dollar, unless otherwise stated)2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING(lanjutan)2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTINGPOLICIES (continued)k. Imbalan Kerja Karyawan k. Employee BenefitsImbalan kerja jangka pendekPerusahaan dan entitas anaknya mengakuiliabilitas imbalan kerja jangka pendek ketikajasa diberikan oleh karyawan dan imbalanatas jasa tersebut akan dibayarkan dalamwaktu dua belas bulan setelah jasa tersebutdiberikan.Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya mengakuiliabilitas imbalan pascakerja dengan mengacukepada Undang-undang KetenagakerjaanNo.13/2003 tanggal 25 Maret 2003. Penyisihanbiaya imbalan pascakerja dihitung denganmenggunakan metode penilaian aktuarialprojected-unit-credit.Penyisihan biaya jasa kini dibebankanlangsung pada operasi periode berjalan.Keuntungan atau kerugian aktuarial diakuisebagai penghasilan atau beban apabilaakumulasi keuntungan dan kerugian aktuarialyang belum diakui pada akhir periodepelaporan sebelumnya melebihi yang lebihbesar antara:• 10% dari nilai kini liabilitas imbalan pasti(sebelum dikurangi aset program); dan• 10% dari nilai wajar aset program.Keuntungan atau kerugian yang melebihibatas 10% ini diamortisasi selama sisa masakerja rata-rata karyawan dengan metode garislurus.Selanjutnya, biaya jasa masa lalu yang timbuldari pengenalan program imbalan pasti atauperubahan dari imbalan terhutang dariprogram imbalan pasti yang telah ada,ditangguhkan dan diamortisasi sampaidengan periode dimana imbalan tersebuttelah menjadi hak karyawan (vested).Short-term employee benefitsThe Company and its subsidiaries recognizetheir short-term employee benefits liability whenservices are rendered and the compensation forsuch services are to be paid within twelvemonths after the rendering of such services.The Company and its subsidiaries recognizetheir post-employment benefits liability based onLabor Law No. 13/2003 dated March 25, 2003.The cost of providing employee benefits isdetermined using the projected-unit-creditmethod.Provisions for current service costs are chargeddirectly to current operations. Actuarial gains orlosses are recognized as income or expenseswhen the net cumulative unrecognized actuarialgains or losses at the end of the previousreporting period exceed the greater of:• 10% of the present value of the definedbenefit obligation (before deducting planassets); and• 10% of the fair value of any plan assets.These gains or losses in excess of the 10%threshold are recognized on a straight-line basisover the expected average remaining workinglives of the employees.Further, past service costs arising from theintroduction of a defined benefit plan or changesin the benefits payable of an existing plan arerequired to be amortized over the period untilthe benefits concerned become vested.31

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