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The original interim consolidated financial statements included hereinare in the Indonesian language.PT RESOURCE ALAM INDONESIA Tbk.DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYACATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGANINTERIM KONSOLIDASIANTanggal 31 Maret 2014(Disajikan dalam dolar AS, kecuali dinyatakan lain)PT RESOURCE ALAM INDONESIA Tbk.AND ITS SUBSIDIARIESNOTES TO INTERIM THE CONSOLIDATEDFINANCIAL STATEMENTSMarch 31, 2014(Expressed in U.S. dollar, unless otherwise stated)24. SAHAM TREASURI (lanjutan) 24. TREASURY SHARES (continued)Perusahaan melakukan pembelian kembalisaham diatas dengan tujuan:a) Memberikan fleksibilitas kepadaPerusahaan untuk mencapai strukturpermodalan yang lebih efisien sehinggamemungkinkan Perusahaan menurunkankeseluruhan biaya modal dan meningkatkan“Laba per Saham”, “Return on Asset” dan“Return on Equity”.b) Menstabilkan harga saham Perusahaanagar lebih mencerminkan kondisifundamental Perusahaan.The Company has bought its shares for thefollowing purposes:a) To give flexibility for the Company toachieve an efficient capital structure whichenables the Company to lower its wholecapital cost and enhance its “Earnings perShare”, “Return on Assets” and “Return onEquity”.b) To stabilize the Company‟s stock price toreflect its fundamental condition.25. PENJUALAN NETO 25. NET SALESRincian penjualan neto adalah sebagai berikut:The details of net sales are as follows:31 Maret / 31 Maret /March 31, March 31,2014 2013LokalLocalBatubara - - CoalLain-lain 172.806 120.667 OthersSub-total 172.806 120.667 Sub-totalEkspor - batubara 39.885.088 54.522.497 Export - coalTotal penjualan neto 40.057.894 54.643.164 Total net salesPenjualan lain-lain merupakan penjualan highpressure laminate dan melamine laminatedparticle boards.Rincian penjualan kepada pelanggan yangmelebihi 10% dari jumlah penjualan netokonsolidasian adalah sebagai berikut:Sales - others represent sales of high pressurelaminate and melamine laminated particleboards.The details of sales to individual customersrepresenting more than 10% of totalconsolidated net sales are as follows:31 Maret / 31 Maret /March 31, March 31,2014 2013Nilai:Amount:Maxrise Trading Limited 27.402.219 42.204.948 Maxrise Trading LimitedGlob-E Trading & Contractor Pte, Ltd. 6.912.940 9.901.415 Glob-E Trading & Contractor Pte, Ltd.81

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