TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili

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Wally<br />

148<br />

Wally è una libreria verticale formata<br />

da ripiani in lamiera laccata in tutti i<br />

colori e un pannello a muro nelle finiture<br />

nobilitato, ecolegno e laccato.<br />

I moduli a parete sono utilizzabili da<br />

soli oppure accostabili.<br />

A sinistra: schiena in olmo chiaro con<br />

mensole in metallo laccato opaco<br />

grigio.<br />

Wally is a vertical bookcase made<br />

up of sheet metal shelves that can be<br />

lacquered in all colour options and<br />

a wall-mounted panel available in<br />

eco-wood, foil-wrapped or lacquered<br />

finishes.<br />

The wall-mounted modules can be<br />

used on their own or in arrangements<br />

side <strong>by</strong> side.<br />

Opposite: back panel in olmo chiaro<br />

with grigio matt lacquered metal<br />


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