TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili
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Odette<br />
228<br />
Verticale, orizzontale, da appoggio<br />
o parete, Odette, esprime un gusto<br />
semplice e raffinato.<br />
A sinistra: Odette verticale in olmo<br />
ossido; tavolino Trio laccato opaco<br />
rosso e pouf in tessuto tilt ed ecopelle<br />
artù.<br />
Sopra: Odette orizzontale in olmo<br />
ossido e madia Reverse laccato opaco<br />
ocra con basamento ed elemento<br />
a giorno laccato opaco grigio.<br />
Vertical or horizontal, set on the floor<br />
or mounted on a wall... whatever its<br />
situation, Odette embodies simplicity<br />
and refinement.<br />
Opposite: Odette in vertical version<br />
in olmo ossido finish; Trio side table<br />
in rosso matt lacquered finish and<br />
tilt fabric and artù imitation leather<br />
ottomans.<br />
Above: Odette in horizontal version<br />
in olmo ossido finish and Reverse<br />
sideboard in ocra matt lacquered<br />
finish with grigio matt lacquered base<br />
and open shelving.