TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili
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Hilde<br />
Flo<br />
Sedia metallo microforato bianco e nero.<br />
Micro-perforated metal chair in white or black.<br />
800<br />
Sedia con seduta in tecnopolimero bianco e nero<br />
semilucido. Struttura verniciata opaca in tono con la<br />
seduta.<br />
805<br />
Chair with white or semi-gloss black technopolymer<br />
seat. Frame with matt paint finish to match seat.<br />
510<br />
525<br />
560<br />
480<br />
Set<br />
design <strong>by</strong> Nova Lab<br />
Flip<br />
Sedia completamente rivestita in tessuto ed ecopelle<br />
sfoderabile.<br />
890<br />
Sedia completamente rivestita in cuoio bianco, nero,<br />
testa di moro e grigio.<br />
870<br />
Fully upholstered chair with removable fabric or<br />
imitation leather covers.<br />
Chair fully upholstered in leather in white, black, dark<br />
brown or grey finishes.<br />
565<br />
480<br />
480<br />
435<br />
Doll<br />
Quadrat<br />
design <strong>by</strong> Nova Lab<br />
Sedia disponibile in laccato opaco 21 colori.<br />
Chair available in matt lacquered finish in choice of<br />
21 colours.<br />
785<br />
520<br />
Sedia con seduta rivestita in tessuto o ecopelle non<br />
sfoderabile. Struttura in olmo chiaro, olmo ossido,<br />
olmo scuro.<br />
Chair with seat upholstered in non-removable fabric or<br />
imitation leather. Frame in olmo chiaro, olmo ossido or<br />
olmo scuro finishes.<br />
810<br />
525<br />
500<br />
500<br />