TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili
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Shift<br />
230<br />
Specchio da appoggio dalle grandi<br />
dimensioni, si caratterizza per l’accostamento<br />
di pannelli, in laccato<br />
opaco bianco o nero grafite, di diverse<br />
profondità.<br />
A sinistra: Shift in laccato opaco<br />
bianco; Church imbottita in tessuto<br />
plug con basamento in laccato opaco<br />
bianco.<br />
Pouf Chico in tessuto trace e tavolino<br />
Trio laccato opaco amarena.<br />
This large mirror is designed to sit<br />
on the floor and is flanked <strong>by</strong> panels<br />
in different depths - available in<br />
bianco or nero grafite matt lacquered<br />
finishes - for a distinctive look.<br />
Opposite: Shift in bianco matt lacquered<br />
finish; padded Church bench<br />
upholstered in plug fabric with bianco<br />
matt lacquered base.<br />
Trace fabric-covered Chico ottoman<br />
and Trio side table in amarena matt<br />
lacquered finish.