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COMP OL213 H 2660 L 1800 P 403 mm<br />
Schienali laccato opaco bianco,<br />
mensole velvet corda, fianchi<br />
divisori laccato opaco corda.<br />
Back panels bianco matt lacquer,<br />
shelves velvet corda, partitions<br />
corda matt lacquer.<br />
Panneaux des fonds laqués mat<br />
bianco, étagères velvet corda,<br />
panneaux de séparation laqués mat<br />
corda.<br />
Rückwände lackiert Matt Bianco,<br />
Borde Velvet Corda, Zwischenwände<br />
lackiert Matt Corda.<br />
Traseras lacadas mate bianco,<br />
estantes velvet corda, costados<br />
divisorios lacado mate corda.<br />
42<br />