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COMP OL206 H 1<strong>15</strong>5 L 3600 P 403 mm<br />
Schienali rovere therm, mensole<br />
velvet bianco, ante scorrevoli rovere<br />
therm.<br />
Therm oak back panels, shelves<br />
velvet bianco, sliding doors therm<br />
oak.<br />
Fonds chêne therm, ètagères velvet<br />
bianco, portes coulissantes chêne<br />
therm.<br />
Rückwände Eiche Therm, Borde<br />
Velvet Bianco, Schiebetüren Eiche<br />
Therm.<br />
Fonds chêne therm, ètagères velvet<br />
bianco, portes coulissantes chêne<br />
therm.<br />
46<br />