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The<br />

Journal<br />

additive<br />

in netfabb è preSente l’innovativa tecnologia<br />

di controllo di project eScher, per<br />

potenziare le macchine con teStine di Stampa<br />

multiple baSate Sull’eStruSione che lavorano<br />

inSieme per Stampare una Singola parte.<br />

Netfabb iNcludes the iNNovative coNtrol<br />

techNology by project escher, to eNhaNce<br />

machiNes with multiple priNtiNg heads based<br />

oN extrusioN which work together to priNt<br />

a siNgle part.<br />

nostri clienti comuni un’esperienza di stampa di produzione<br />

additiva ottimizzata”, ha commentato Stephen<br />

Anderson, Renishaw Software Director.<br />

“Siamo certi che ci saranno future opportunità di integrazione<br />

con QuantAM - una serie di API che possono essere<br />

messe a disposizione di coloro che vogliono sfruttare<br />

la potenza della piattaforma per la produzione additiva<br />

Renishaw. Ciò garantirà agli utenti di Autodesk Netfabb<br />

che i percorsi utensile da loro generati siano ottimizzati<br />

per i sistemi AM di Renishaw, garantendo la massima<br />

qualità dei pezzi”.<br />

“Netfabb permette di accelerare i processi di progettazione<br />

e generazione nella produzione additiva, fornendo<br />

a progettisti e ingegneri gli strumenti necessari per<br />

produrre al meglio le parti, ottimizzare i workflow e migliorare<br />

l’efficienza delle loro stampanti grazie a un’unica<br />

soluzione software”, ha dichiarato Mark Forth,<br />

Manager of Manufacturing Industry Strategy di Autodesk.<br />

“L’introduzione della simulazione basata su cloud,<br />

di funzionalità di workflow sottrattivi e di stampa 3D<br />

collaborativa significa fornire ai clienti la più potente e<br />

completa soluzione additiva disponibile sul mercato”. yyy<br />

eling instruments aligned to the CAM workflow. Besides, it<br />

allows manufacturers to keep an eye on the original solid<br />

model and monitor with ease the near-net form, created<br />

purposely to enable subtractive processes. By means of a<br />

greater visibility of the original model and of the nearnet<br />

shape feature, Netfabb opens up a connected workflow<br />

between preparatory construction and post-processing activities.<br />

multi-head Collaborative 3d printing<br />

This important update includes the innovative control<br />

technology by Project Escher, to enhance machines with<br />

multiple printing heads based on extrusion which work<br />

together to print a single part. This collaborative process<br />

enables a more detailed and faster printing of 3D parts at<br />

industrial level.<br />

In conformity with the objective of bringing innovation<br />

to the additive sector, Autodesk makes available in open<br />

source mode the hardware and software specifications<br />

needed to create machines with this new collaborative<br />

multi-head 3D printing feature.<br />

In this way, hardware vendors may create multi-head<br />

printers which can print parts much faster than traditional<br />

single head printers.<br />

a unique software solution<br />

“New production, optimization and simulation tools integrated<br />

into Netfabb are very interesting and we are pleased<br />

to cooperate with Autodesk to provide our common clients<br />

with an optimized additive production printing experience”,<br />

Stephen Anderson, Renishaw Software Director, remarked.<br />

“We are convinced that there will be future integration<br />

opportunities with QuantAM - a series of APIs<br />

which may be made available for those wishing to develop<br />

the potential of the Renishaw platform for additive production.<br />

This will ensure that utensil pathways generated by Autodesk<br />

Netfabb users will be optimized for Renishaw’s AM systems,<br />

guaranteeing the highest quality for the items”.“Netfabb<br />

allows an acceleration of the design and generation processes<br />

in additive manufacturing, providing designers and<br />

engineers with the tools required to produce the parts in<br />

the best possible way, to optimize workflow and to improve<br />

the efficiency of their printers thanks to a unique software<br />

solution” Mark Forth, Manager of Manufacturing Industry<br />

Strategy, Autodesk, declared. “The introduction of cloudbased<br />

simulation, of subtractive workflow functions and of<br />

collaborative 3D printing imply providing clients with the<br />

most complete and powerful additive solution available on<br />

the market”. yyy<br />

58 <strong>maggio</strong> giugno 2017 The Additive Journal

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