7 years ago

Products at a Glance 2024

  • Text
  • Gmp
  • Protease
  • Spheresreadytouse
  • Elisa
  • Cfuassays
  • Arrayandassays
  • Metabolism
  • Angiogenesis
  • Airwaymodel
  • Skinmodel
  • Scaffolds
  • Hydrogels
  • Escellmedia
  • Adultstemcells
  • Primarycells
  • Cells
  • Enzymeblends
  • Dispase
  • Collagenase
  • Tissuedissociation
Overview of our portfolio from tissue dissociation to 2D/3D cell culture You You can also check out our Heart slices for toxicology, arrythmia related work which is more translationally relevant. You can read more about the use of heart slices for research in this article here. Brain Apart from isolated and iPS derived astrocytes, Schwann cell like cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes, sensory neurons, cortical neurons, dopamergic neurons we also isolate endothelial cells, glioblastomas, pericytes, neuron precursor cells from different regions of the heart and from various species. Isolated and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neural cell types, such as astrocytes, Schwann cell-like cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes, sensory neurons, cortical neurons, and dopaminergic neurons, serve as invaluable tools across a spectrum of studies and applications. Astrocytes, Schwann cell-like cells, microglia, and oligodendrocytes play crucial roles in various aspects of neuroscience research. Astrocytes, for instance, are involved in the regulation of cerebral blood flow, maintenance of synaptic environments, and modulation of synapse formation and synaptic transmission. They are also implicated in the glymphatic system's ability to eliminate waste in the brain and are essential for the maintenance of brain homeostasis and neuronal protection. Furthermore, astrocytes are involved in regulating neuronal synaptogenesis, maintaining blood-brain barrier integrity, and recycling neurotransmitters. Additionally, they have been shown to mediate analogous memory in a multi-layer neuron-astrocyte network, and targeting astrocytic function may protect against brain injury induced by blood-brain barrier disruption. Schwann cell-like cells have been studied for their morphological, transcriptional, and functional differences from mouse astrocytes, and they play key roles in supporting the central nervous system structure, regulating synaptic functions, and maintaining brain homeostasis. Microglia, on the other hand, have been found to regulate synapses, neuronal circuits, and behavior, and they are thought to play a pivotal role in coupling neural activity and cerebral blood flow. Oligodendrocytes, which are responsible for producing myelin in the central nervous system, have been implicated in the regulation of neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission, plasticity, and in higher cognitive functions, including the initiation, maintenance, and consolidation of memories. Additionally, isolated endothelial cells, glioblastomas, pericytes, and neuron precursor cells from various brain regions offer insights into angiogenesis, brain tumors, blood-brain barrier function, and neurogenesis, respectively. These diverse neural cell types facilitate a broad range of studies, including disease modeling, drug screening, neurotoxicity testing, and elucidating fundamental mechanisms underlying neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. We also offer brain tissue slices Brain slices, including brain and root ganglionic slices, are valuable tools in neuroscience research due to their ability to provide a controlled and accessible model for studying various aspects of neuroscience. Brain slices have been widely used to study neuronal differentiation, cell differentiation, and synaptic transmission. They have also been utilized to model neurodegenerative proteinopathies and to enhance the quality of acute slice preparations, particularly for electrophysiology studies. Brain slices have been instrumental in profiling sequential sections with multiplex staining, which benefits research in life sciences. Furthermore, brain slice preparations have been validated for enhancing neuronal preservation and overall brain slice viability, making them essential for studying metabolic changes and facilitating experimentation on age-related disorders. Moreover, root ganglionic slices, such as dorsal root ganglion neurons, have been used to study neuronal connectivity, synaptic transmission, and plasticity, as well as to perform whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, allowing precise measurement of cellular and synaptic properties. The dorsal root ganglion has been identified as a novel neuromodulatory target for evoking strong and reproducible motor responses in chronic motor complete spinal cord injury. Studies have been conducted on the trigeminal ganglion morphology in human fetuses, and the trigeminal ganglion has been studied for its potential in treating trigeminal neuralgia. 14 Pancreas We extract beta cells and diseased cells from diabetic patients from the pancreas. Additionally, we isolate endothelial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and PDX cancer cells from different pancreatic regions and various species. The uses of beta cells in research are extensive and diverse. Studies have focused on understanding the factors influencing beta cell turnover, proliferation, and functional state, particularly in the context of diabetes and regenerative therapy. Research has explored the essential role of Nkx6.1 in maintaining the functional state of pancreatic beta cells, adaptive changes in beta cell turnover during pregnancy, the relationship between beta-cell mass and obesity/type 2 diabetes, and the gene regulatory network required for establishing and maintaining pancreatic beta cell identity. Additionally, the beta cell workload hypothesis has been revisited in the context of type 2 diabetes, and mathematical modeling has been used to estimate the long lifespan and low turnover of human islet beta cells. Studies have investigated the proliferation of sorted human and rat beta cells, targeted insulin-producing beta cells for regenerative therapy, and explored the potential for beta cell regeneration in aging pancreatic beta cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing has revealed a role for reactive oxygen species and peroxiredoxins in fatty acid-induced rat beta-cell proliferation, and reciprocal modulation of adult beta cell maturity by activin A and follistatin has been studied. Moreover, research has focused on beta cell regeneration after immunological destruction in a mouse model, explored the potential for making better beta cells, and investigated agents inducing both alpha and beta cell proliferation without affecting differentiation or viability. Additionally, efforts have been made to expand human beta cells, and heterogeneities of normal and stimulated pancreatic beta cells have been examined. These studies collectively contribute to a comprehensive understanding of beta cell biology and its implications for diabetes and regenerative medicine. Lungs and Oral cavity Apart from isolated and iPS derived alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, macrophages, endothelial cells PDX cancer cells, mesenchymal stem cells from different regions of the heart and various species. The uses of iPS-derived alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, macrophages, endothelial cells, PDX cancer cells, and mesenchymal stem cells from different regions of the heart and various species are diverse and impactful in biomedical research. Patientderived xenograft (PDX) models have been extensively used in cancer research to simulate human tumor biology in vivo, aiding in the development of anticancer drugs and providing a better representation of tumor heterogeneity and the tumor microenvironment. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have shown promise in the treatment of chronic lung diseases and ischemic heart disease, with studies demonstrating their potential for myocardial survival and repair, as well as their ability to differentiate into endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, or cardiac-like myocytes when transplanted into the ischemic heart. Smooth muscle cells have been studied for their contractile properties and their association with neuroglial cells and interstitial cells of Cajal in intestinal tissue engineering. Additionally, endothelial and smooth muscle cells have been isolated and characterized from coronary vessels, providing insights into their contractile phenotype and potential applications in vascular research. 15

Gmp Protease Spheresreadytouse Elisa Cfuassays Arrayandassays Metabolism Angiogenesis Airwaymodel Skinmodel Scaffolds Hydrogels Escellmedia Adultstemcells Primarycells Cells Enzymeblends Dispase Collagenase Tissuedissociation