Unikum november 2019

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Satirikum<br />




Vi møter styreleder Jacob Haugmoen Handegaard<br />

og Administrerende direktør Pål Harv under<br />

innspilling av deres nye podcast «InnSiA».<br />

- Jacob gikk til valg på mer åpenhet, så nå sitter vi<br />

her, hehe, sier Harv med et lurt smil og fortsetter.<br />

- Vi prøvde mange SiA ordspill før vi falt på det<br />

endelig navnet. NettSiA, ÅpenhetsiniSiAtivet, SiAlt<br />

og «Når sant skal SiAs». Du kjenner oss. vi gir oss<br />

aldri før vi har kommet frem til et solid ordspill.<br />

De begynner å diskutere økonomi. Folk har<br />

mange spørsmål, sier Harv og fortsetter:<br />

- Hva bruker dere pengene våre på? spør<br />

ofte studentene. For øyeblikket bruker jeg de<br />

mest på å pusse opp hytta. Du da, Jacob?<br />

Handegaard presiserer for Harv at det<br />

studentene lurer på er hva slags tjenester<br />

de får tilbake for semesteravgiften.<br />

- Ahhh, svarer Harv. For øyeblikket bruker<br />

vi pengene deres til å utvikle nye tjenester<br />

vi kan selge dere for å igjen finansiere<br />

nye tjenester vi kan selge dere.<br />

something completely out of everyone’s control,<br />

and Simba just got extremely lucky. Or they are<br />

just lying to argue in favour of rule by divine right.<br />

That it started to rain the literal minute Simba<br />

ascended his throne was awfully convenient.<br />

And yes, Scar is somewhat easily angered and<br />

triggered by disrespect. But did you know that<br />

his real name is Taka, which translates from<br />

Swahili to English as “Waste”? I think you too<br />

would have some issues if your parents named<br />

you “Trash” and your brother “King”.<br />

Scar is the Better King<br />

One thing even the propagandist movie seem<br />

to agree with is that Mufasa got the brawn (and<br />

splendour), and Scar got the brains. Yes, you<br />

do need charisma in order to be a leader, he<br />

does not seem to lack in that area, as Scar basically<br />

got himself elected as the leader of the<br />

hyenas. Now a leader with brains and a talent<br />

for international diplomacy? Yes please. Who<br />

cares if Mufasa looks better in the crown.<br />

Remember how both Mufasa/Simba and Scar are<br />

fascists? Well, Scar is the better fascist ! (please<br />

don’t quote me on that) While both are aristocrats<br />

and lion-supremacists, Scar does not have<br />

the same policy of ethnic cleansing of hyenas as<br />

Mufasa/Simba. Why are hyenas excluded from<br />

the Pride Lands, exactly? Something about how<br />

filthy and evil they are, which smacks heavily of<br />

speciesist propaganda. Hyenas are carnivores too,<br />

yes, but unlike lions, at least they have a scavenger<br />

streak and do not necessarily kill to eat.<br />

Scar’s policy of hyena integration is more inclusive,<br />

and I would argue that the way he was close<br />

to establishing somewhat of a proto constitutional<br />

monarchy in the way he attained the throne only<br />

after the hyenas elected him as their leader.<br />



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