Eurasian education №4 2020

«Eurasian education» is an International journal aimed to publish theoretical and empirical research data from various Kazakhstan schools and fields of science as well as from countries of near and far abroad. One of the most important tasks of the journal is to promote the professionalization of education and research works in the field of social sciences and humanities and natural sciences, as well as dissemination of best practices of pedagogue. The journal is targeted on wide range of readers

«Eurasian education» is an International journal aimed to publish theoretical and empirical research data from various Kazakhstan schools and fields of science as well as from countries of near and far abroad. One of the most important tasks of the journal is to promote the professionalization of education and research works in the field of social sciences and humanities and natural sciences, as well as dissemination of best practices of pedagogue. The journal is targeted on wide range of readers

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Тіл білімі

4 (35) 2020


1. Catford J. C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. - London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

2. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. - London: Prentice Hall International, 1988.

3. Қазақтың дүниетанымы. - Алматы, 1993.

4. Құралұлы А. Қазақ дәстүрлі медениетінің энциклопедиялық сөздігі.— Алматы: «Сөздік-Словарь» . 2007.

5. Ыбырайым Ә., Жаңабекова А., Рысбергенова Қ. Қазақ әдеби тілінің сөздігі: он бес томдық. - Алматы, 2011,

742 б.

6. Әділбаев А.Ш. Қазақ салт-дәстүр, әдет-ғұрыптарының ислам шариғатымен үйлесімі: Монография. – Астана:

«Рухани құндылықтарды қолдау қоры» корпоративтік қоры, 2018, 170 б.


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