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A quick update on the capital improvement project that we are about to undertake. For those of you that were<br />

not at our Special General Assembly that took place this past March 7 th , we are in the process of getting building permits<br />

from the city. Covid-19 has delayed the process tremendously with the City of Somerville, and keep in mind that the<br />

City is still shut down and they are still working with limited staff. We still have not heard back from them as far as waiving<br />

the approx. $143K building permit fee.<br />

Bill Galatis and I have spoken to four banks regarding securing the one-million-dollar loan, which was approved<br />

by the General Assembly and have received term sheets from 4 banks. The finance ministry will make a recommendation<br />

to the Parish Council as far as, which one is the best and the Parish Council will have the final approval. Our attorneys<br />

(Anderson and Krieger) have reviewed the construction contract and shortly, I will finally sign it and put the wheels<br />

into motion.<br />

The moment we get the building permit and a loan is secured the construction will begin. As you all heard from our construction<br />

contractor at the March 7 th Special General Assembly, God willing it should be in a very short few weeks. It has<br />

been a very long and mind-numbing process, but we are dotting our “i” and crossing our “t”, every step of the way. I<br />

cannot wait to see the fruits of our tedious labor finally come to fruition and completed once and for all.<br />

Some of you may have heard that we have hired an additional employee to work in the office. Her name is<br />

Athena Pandelidou and she will be Father Anthony’s right-hand pastoral assistant. There are not enough hours in the<br />

day for Father Anthony to do all that he needs to do. He needs to focus 100% on his pastoral ministry. Ms. Athena has<br />

taken over all the administrative things that Father did, such as the website, google calendars, email services through<br />

constant contact, You-Tube publishing and live streaming services and Facebook communications and many other of his<br />

administrative tasks. Since she is fluent in Greek, she will also be a big help in translating to Greek all the text that goes<br />

out of the office and with her extensive bookkeeping skills she will be taking over a lot of the things that Cookie does in<br />

the office. In the few short weeks that Athina has been with us we have seen a huge potential where our community<br />

can go administratively.<br />

As the renovation project gets underway, and the fundraising ramps up, she will also be keeping track of all the<br />

donations, etc., that are associated with the project. Now that we have fully transitioned to stewardship, she will be<br />

taking over everything that is associated with that function. I truly believe that she will be a big asset to this community<br />

and will bring us to the next level of professionalism.<br />

In closing, I want to thank the Parish Council for all their continued support and the ministries for all their hard<br />

work. Thank you to all the Parishioners who continue to support the church with their generosity. Last but not least,<br />

Fr. Anthony for all the hard work and effort that he continues to put into his ministry in our Dormition Church. I, along<br />

with Father Anthony and the Parish Council are striving towards what is best for our church. Please let us know how<br />

we are doing and let us know in what areas you would like us to improve in. As always we continuously need your support.<br />

Consider giving your time, talent and treasure!<br />

In His Service<br />

Diane Karavitis<br />

Parish Council President<br />

Και στα Ελληνικά ....<br />

Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες,<br />

Χριστός Ανέστη! Πέρυσι, ταξιδέψαμε στο δρόμο της Σαρακοστής ως μεμονωμένα άτομα και δεν είχαμε την<br />

ευκαιρία να συγκεντρωθούμε μαζί ως κοινότητα. Απομονωθήκαμε φυσικά ο ένας από τον άλλο. Μας είχε απαγορευτεί να<br />

συγκεντρωθούμε ελεύθερα στην εκκλησία μας και να αγκαλιάσουμε προσωπικά την πίστη μας. Λατρεύαμε στα σπίτια μας<br />

μέσω ζωντανής τηλεοπτικής αναμετάδοσης. Συγκεντρωθήκαμε για την προσευχή και τις συναντήσεις, μόνο διαδικτυακά.<br />

Όταν είχαμε συγκεντρωθεί, ήμασταν υποχρεωμένοι να «απομακρυνθούμε κοινωνικά ». Αλλά τι έχει κάνει αυτή η<br />

εμπειρία στην πίστη μας, στην πίστη μου, στην πίστη σας; Είναι ισχυρότερη μετά από αυτό που έχουμε βιώσει;<br />

Φαίνεται ότι είμαστε στα πρόθυρα να στρίψουμε τη γωνία και επέτρεψα τον εαυτό μου να σκεφτεί ότι<br />

επιστρέφουμε σε επίπεδο κανονικότητας. Δεν μπορώ να περιμένω έως ότου η εκκλησία μας επιστρέψει στη λειτουργία<br />


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