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Code No: 56026 :2: Set No. 2<br />

II Fill in the blanks<br />

11. The source coding efficiency can be increased by using _______________________<br />

12. The advantage of Spread Spectrum Modulation schemes over other modulations is<br />

_________________<br />

13. Entropy coding is a _____________________<br />

14. A convolutional encoder of code rate 1/2 is a 3 stage shift register with a message word<br />

length of 6.The code word length obtained from the encoder ( in bits) is<br />

_____________<br />

15. Relative to Hard decision decoding, soft decision decoding results in _____________<br />

16. If T is the code vector and H is the Parity check Matrix of a Linear Block code, then the<br />

code is defined by the set of all code vectors for which H T .T = ______________<br />

17. The advantage of CDMA over Frequency hopping is ____________<br />

18. The Parity check matrix of a linear block code is<br />

1 0 1 1 0 0<br />

0 1 1 0 1 0<br />

1 1 0 0 0 1<br />

Its Hamming distance is ___________________<br />

19. The significance of PN sequence in CDMA is ________________<br />

20. The cascade of two Binary Symmetric Channels is a __________________________<br />

-oOo-<br />

Code No: 56026 Set No. 3<br />


III B.Tech. II Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, April – 2012<br />


Objective Exam<br />

Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.<br />

Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.<br />

I Choose the correct alternative:<br />

1. A system has a band width of 3KHz and an S/N ratio of 29dB at the input of the receiver.<br />

If the band width of the channel gets doubled, then [ ]<br />

A) its capacity gets halved B) the corresponding S/N ratio gets doubled<br />

C) the corresponding S/N ratio gets halved D) its capacity gets doubled<br />

2. The Channel Matrix of a Noiseless channel [ ]<br />

A) consists of a single nonzero number in each column<br />

B) consists of a single nonzero number in each row<br />

C) is a square Matrix<br />

D) is an Identity Matrix<br />

3. A source emits messages A and B with probability 0.8 and 0.2 respectively. The<br />

redundancy provided by the optimum source-coding scheme for the above Source is [<br />

]<br />

A) 27% B) 72% C) 55% D) 45%<br />

4. A source X and the receiver Y are connected by a noise free channel. Its capacity is [ ]<br />

A) Max H(Y/X) B) Max H(X) C) Max H(X/Y) D) Max H(X,Y)<br />

5. Exchange between Band width and Signal noise ratio can be justified based on [ ]<br />

A) Hartley - Shanon‘s Law B) Shanon‘s source coding Theorem<br />

C) Shanon‘s limit D) Shanon‘s channel coding Theorem<br />

6. Information rate of a source is [ ]

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