10.10.2013 Aufrufe

geht es zum Projektbericht - Carpus eV

geht es zum Projektbericht - Carpus eV

geht es zum Projektbericht - Carpus eV


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PANLIPI ............ Tanggapang Panligal ng Katutubong Pilipino<br />

PCC .................. Palawan Conservation Corps<br />

PCSD ................ Palawan Council for Sustainable Development<br />

PCSDS............... Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff<br />

PKA ................... Pfl anzenkläranlage<br />

PNNI ................ Palawan NGO Network<br />

PPDO ................ Palawan Planning and Development Offi ce<br />

PPSRNP ............ Puerto Princ<strong>es</strong>a Subterranean River National Park<br />

PSTFAD ............ Provincial Special Task Force on Anc<strong>es</strong>tral Domains<br />

PSU ................... Palawan State University<br />

PTFPP ............... Palawan Tropical For<strong>es</strong>try Protection Programme<br />

RAC ................... Rural Agricultural Center<br />

SACCD ............. Students Assistance Committee for Community Development<br />

SATRIKA - ..... Samahang ng mga Katutubo sa Kayasan<br />

SEP .................... Strategic Environmental Plan<br />

UN .................... United Nations<br />

UNDP ............... United Nations Development Programme<br />

UP ..................... University of the Philippin<strong>es</strong><br />

WKA.................. Windkraftanlage<br />


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