12.02.2014 Aufrufe

BeLing WS 05/06 (pdf, 192KB) - Institut für Sprachwissenschaft ...

BeLing WS 05/06 (pdf, 192KB) - Institut für Sprachwissenschaft ...

BeLing WS 05/06 (pdf, 192KB) - Institut für Sprachwissenschaft ...


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Anglistik<br />

Texts: Danet, Brenda, and Bryna Bogoch (1992), From oral ceremony to written document: The transitional<br />

language of Anglo-Saxon wills. Language & Communication 12, 95-122; other titles to be announced later.<br />

Aims: To allow students to discover for themselves how significantly English changed from pre-Norman times to<br />

the late Middle Ages.<br />

Assessment: For Lizentiat candidates: one oral presentation and one written assignment of no fewer that 3,000<br />

words. For MA candidates: one oral presentation and two written assignments of no fewer than 3,000 words each.<br />

Chatroom English<br />

Monday 12-14<br />

U. Dürmüller<br />

First session: 31.10.20<strong>05</strong>. Masters: Not Applicable. LIZ: Seminar. First session:31.10.20<strong>05</strong> Level: Only Liz.<br />

students in their Main Studies. Credit Points: Liz.: 7.<br />

Content: We will start a research programme in Chatroom English. Individual students or teams will be given a<br />

particular chatroom to observe and use as a database. We will try to find a definition of chatting and try to<br />

characterize chatrooms as domains. We will formulate adequate research questions and come up with<br />

hypotheses, especially about the language used. We will try to define the socio- and psycholinguistic parameters<br />

and will describe typical chats and their participants. We will explore the structure of chats and examine the rules<br />

for turn-taking. We will look for particular vocabulary, recurrent formulas and fixed expressions in the language<br />

and try to correlate them with the topics. Semantic fields, syntax, morphology and spelling conventions might also<br />

be explored. Certainly we will not overlook the use of emoticons! Oralisation, creativity and innovation are other<br />

aspects under which this newly evolved language can be looked at.<br />

Texts: See course homepage: http://beam.to/chatroom available in Sept.<br />

Aims: To provide an opportunity for students to carry out research so that they can describe a novel variety of<br />

English.<br />

Assessment: Regular attendance and active participation. Taking responsibility for observing the language of a<br />

particular chatroom. Evaluation of oral presentations and a written research paper.<br />

A Black Story of English<br />

Wednesday 12-14<br />

U. Dürmüller<br />

First session: 26.10.20<strong>05</strong>. Masters: Not Applicable. LIZ: Lecture. Level: Only Liz. students in their Main Studies<br />

Credit Points: Liz.: 3.<br />

Content: This lecture will cover the story of Black English from its roots in Africa to its wide recognition in<br />

contemporary life. In doing so, we will discover that there is a specifically Black side to Black English, as there is a<br />

White one. Written documents, if possible also sound and picture documents, will help us get to know such stages<br />

in the history of Black English as: the roots of Black English; African West Coast Pidgins; Caribbean Creoles;<br />

Plantation varieties; Black English in the Northern cities; the Ebonics debate; Black language; Pride and<br />

Prejudice; Black slang; Rapping and other forms of verbal art.<br />

Texts: See course homepage: http://way.to/blackling available Sept.<br />

Aims: To provide information about the history and development of what has been named Black English,<br />

Ebonics, or African-American Vernacular English, including the particular coloring this history has received in the<br />

accounts of non-Caucasian scholars and commentators.<br />

Assessment: Regular attendance, reading assignments, participation in discussion.<br />


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