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Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich


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Secondary endpoints: ferritin (prior to delivery); hemoglobin (day 3 after delivery); gestational age at<br />

delivery, birth weight, anemic treatment requirements, length of hospitalisation after delivery.<br />

01.05.2003-31.12.2006<br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

Efficacy of intravenously administered Venofer versus oral Tardyferon in the prophylaxis of iron deficiency<br />

anaemia in pregnant women<br />

01.01.2004-30.11.<strong>2005</strong><br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

EURAP: European register for pregnancies with antiepileptic drugs<br />

To describe in a prospective study the risk of teratogen effects of antiepileptic drugs.<br />

01.10.2003-31.12.2008<br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

Evaluation of fetal intracardiac function using pulsed Doppler<br />

Introduction: Cardiac activity is the driving force for circulation. Therefore we intend to evaluate right and<br />

left ventricular function and correlate these findings with perpheral Doppler indices.<br />

Patients: In order to establish reference values for right and left cardiac output as well as peak aortic and<br />

pulmonary velocity 200 normal fetuses equally distributed over the gestational age range from 24 to 41<br />

weeks were examined.<br />

Results: According to standard statistics for age-dependent variables reference ranges for 5th, 50th and<br />

95th percentile were calculated.<br />

Conclusion: These reference ranges are the basis for the evaluation of fetuses with intrauterine growth<br />

retardation.<br />

01.01.2002-31.12.<strong>2005</strong><br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

Evaluation of gustatory and olfactory function in pregnancy<br />

The aim of the study was to evaluate gustatory and olfactory function in 53 pregnant women and 59 nonpregnant<br />

women by a validated olfactory and validated taste test. In addition, we investigated whether<br />

nausea and vomiting and olfactory sensitivity are correlated. We determined whether subjects with little<br />

or no nausea and vomiting are less sensitive to odours than subjects who indicate a high degree of<br />

nausea and vomiting, and whether subjects with relatively low olfactory sensitivity are less prone to<br />

nausea and vomiting than subjects with relatively higher olfactory sensitivity.<br />

01.09.1999-30.06.<strong>2005</strong><br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

Fetal membranes<br />

Objectives - To prepare a tissue engineering approach to fetal membrane repair after premature rupture<br />

of the membranes (PROM) by characterizing the proliferation potential of human amnion epithelial and<br />

mesenchymal cells from preterm and term placenta in primary culture.<br />

- To compare ‘wound healing’ by human amnion epithelial and mesenchymal cells from preterm and<br />

term placenta using an in vitro lesion repair assay.<br />

- To examine the influence of extracellular matrix molecules on the in vitro lesion repair by human amnion<br />

epithelial and mesenchymal cells<br />

- To prepare a human amnion scaffold for repair of PROM<br />

- To study the viscoelastic properties of amnion membranes compared to gestational age<br />

01.05.2000-31.07.<strong>2005</strong><br />

Professur/Forschungsbereich: Zisch, Andreas<br />

Imunologic-predictive markers of preeclampsia<br />

Preeclampsia occurs in 5% of all pregnancies and is one of the major reasons for both maternal and fetal<br />

morbidity and mortality. The origin of preeclampsia is unknown, however, it is thought that an imunologic<br />

maladaptation between mother and fetus contributes significantly to the manifestation of the disease.<br />

Women with imunological diseases s.a. Lupus erythematodes and Antiphospholipid-Syndrome are at<br />

Klinik für <strong>Geburtshilfe</strong><br />

<strong>Akademischer</strong> <strong>Bericht</strong> <strong>2005</strong><br />


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