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Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

Akademischer Bericht 2005 - Geburtshilfe - UniversitätsSpital Zürich


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Quack Loetscher, Katharina; Jandali, A.R.; Garzoli, E; Pok, Judith; Beinder, Ernst; (<strong>2005</strong>): Axillary cavernous<br />

lymphangioma in pregnancy and puerperium In: Gynecologic and obstetric investigation (2),<br />

108-111<br />

Quack Loetscher, Katharina; Stiller, Ruth; Roos, M; Zimmermann, Roland (<strong>2005</strong>): Protein Z in normal<br />

pregnancy In: Thrombosis and haemostasis (93), 706-709<br />

Schmidt D; Breymann C; Mol A; Odermatt B; Gossi M; Zünd G; Hoerstrup SP (<strong>2005</strong>): Prenatal human<br />

progenitor cells used for tissue engineering of living heart valves In: Circulation (7), 504<br />

Schmidt D; Mol A; Neuenschwander S; Breymann C; Gossi M; Zünd G; Turina A; Hoerstrup SP (<strong>2005</strong>):<br />

Living patches engineered from human umbibicial cord derved fibroblasts and endothelial progenitor<br />

cells In: European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, 795-800<br />

Schäffer, Leonhard; Burkhardt, Tilo; Zimmermann, Roland; Kurmanavicius, Juozas (<strong>2005</strong>): Nuchal cords<br />

in term and postterm deliveries - do we need to know In: Obstetrics and gynecology (1), 23-28<br />

Shojaati, K; Causevic, M; Kadereit, B; Dick, B; Imobersteg, J; Schneider, H; Beinder, E; Kashiwagi, M;<br />

Frey, BM; Frey, F.J; Mohaupt, M.G. (<strong>2005</strong>): Evidence for compromised aldosterone synthase enzyme<br />

activity in preeclampsia In: Kidney international (6), 2322-2328<br />

Verhey, Janko F; Wisser, Josef; Keller, Thomas; Westin, Carl-Fredrik; Kikinis, Ron (<strong>2005</strong>): Rigid overlay<br />

of volume sonography and MR image data of the female pelvic floor using a fiducial based alignment -<br />

feasibility due to a case series In: Computerized medical imaging and graphics, 243-249<br />

Verhey, Janko F; Wisser, Josef; Warfield, Simon K; Rexilius, Jan; Kikinis, Ron (<strong>2005</strong>): Non-rigid registration<br />

of a 3D ultrasound and a MR image data set of the female pelvic floor using a biomechanical mode<br />

In: BioMed Central, 251-259<br />

Weber, C. C; Cai, H; Ehrbar, M; Kubota, H; Martiny-Baron, G; Weber, W; Weber, E; Mallik, A. S; Fussenegger,<br />

M; Frei, K; Hubbell, J. A; Zisch, A. H. (<strong>2005</strong>): Effects of Protein and Gene Transfer of the<br />

Angiopoietin-1 Fibrinogen-like Receptor-binding Domain on Endothelial and Vessel Organization In: The<br />

Journal of biological chemistry 280(23), 22445-22453<br />

Weber, C. C; Link, N; Fux, C; Zisch, A. H; Weber, W; Fussenegger, M. (<strong>2005</strong>): Broad-spectrum protein<br />

biosensors for class-specific detection of antibiotics In: Biotechnology and bioengineering 89(1), 9-17<br />

Wisser J; Florio I; Neff M; König V; Huch R; Huch A; von Mandach U (<strong>2005</strong>): Changes in bone density<br />

and metabolism in pregnancy In: Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, 349-354<br />

Wollenberg, Anja; Neuhaus, T.J; Willi, U.V; Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Outcome of fetal renal pelvic dilatation<br />

diagnosed during the third trimester In: Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology 25, 483-488<br />

Originalarbeiten ohne Peer Review<br />

Bencaiova, Gabriela; Krafft, Alexander; Zimmermann, Roland (<strong>2005</strong>): Is the sickle cell trait a risk factor<br />

in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus In: European journal of internal medicine 16(5), 462<br />

Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Hydrops fetalis In: Facharzt Geburtsmedizin, 340-347<br />

Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Klinische Bedeutung der 3D-Sonografie In: Gynäkologie + <strong>Geburtshilfe</strong> (4), 1-4<br />

Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Normal early pregnancy In: Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official<br />

journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 17-26<br />

Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Parvovirusinfektion In: Facharzt Geburtsmedizin, 727-729<br />

Wisser, Josef (<strong>2005</strong>): Skeletterkrankungen In: Facharzt Geburtsmedizin, 331-340<br />

Übersichtsartikel/Reviews mit Peer Review<br />

Beinder, E; Krähenmann, F; Zimmermann, R; (<strong>2005</strong>): Wehenhemmung mit Nifedipin In: gynäkol prax<br />

29, 225-232<br />

Klinik für <strong>Geburtshilfe</strong><br />

<strong>Akademischer</strong> <strong>Bericht</strong> <strong>2005</strong><br />


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