15.11.2012 Aufrufe

Designwissenschaft und Designforschung: Ein einführender Überblick

Designwissenschaft und Designforschung: Ein einführender Überblick

Designwissenschaft und Designforschung: Ein einführender Überblick


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Issues � <strong>Designforschung</strong> � Felder von <strong>Designforschung</strong><br />

• Design axiology: The study of worth in the Design<br />

area, with special regard to the relations between<br />

technical, economic, moral, social and esthetic<br />

values.<br />

• Design philosophy: The study of the logic of discourse<br />

on matters of concern in the Design area.<br />

• Design epistemology: The study of the nature and<br />

validity of ways of knowing, believing and feeling in<br />

the Design area.<br />

• Design pedagogy: The study of the principles and<br />

practice of education in the matter of concern to<br />

the Design area.»<br />

(Archer, 1981, p. 33)<br />

«Whilst Design Reserach can, and does enjoy the<br />

unifying characteristic of being ‹systematic enquiry<br />

whose goal is knowledge of, or in the area of human<br />

experience, skill and <strong>und</strong>erstanding that reflects man’s<br />

concern with the enhancement of order, utility, value<br />

and meaning in his habitat›, it is nevertheless even less<br />

reasonable to regard it as a single discipline than it is<br />

to regard scientific enquiry or literary scholarship as a<br />

single discipline. The sub-disciplines which go to make<br />

it up will no doubt continue to expand, divide and reform<br />

over time, in the way that science and scholarship<br />

have expanded, divided and reformed.<br />

If one takes the lexicographer’s approach, and records<br />

the meaning of the term «Design Research» on the basis<br />

of present usage, it is clear that there are already three<br />

or more basic usages established in the centers where<br />

most of the work is going on, and innumerable biases<br />

in the ways in which their bibliographies are put together.<br />

In my view it is high time that these usages and<br />

biases were recognised, and that some of the emergent<br />

constituent sub-disciplines were consolidated by the<br />

identification of their respective bodies of knowledge.<br />

I would personally favour the recognition of three such<br />

sub-disciplines:<br />

1. Design Phenomenology, in which I would include,<br />

for the time being, design history, taxonomy and<br />

technology (…);<br />

2. Design Praxiology, in which I would include design<br />

34<br />

modeling and metrology, and<br />

3. Design Philosophy, in which I would include design<br />

axiology, epistemology and pedagogy.<br />

There are overlaps between these sub-disciplines,<br />

of course. All of them, however, although at present<br />

unevenly dependent upon external disciplines, are<br />

capable of expression as coherent bodies of knowledge<br />

with credible bo<strong>und</strong>aries and specific fields of application.<br />

At a time when more and more bibliographies are<br />

being converted into computer-housed databases with<br />

unlikely titles, and when more and more academic and<br />

professional literature searches are becoming restricted<br />

to them, the establishment of recognisable markers for<br />

the centres of interest in Design Reserach is a matter of<br />

some importance.»<br />

(Archer, 1981, p. 35)<br />

Ad 2:<br />

Bruce Archer re-visited:<br />

Nigel Cross (1999)<br />

Nigel Cross, Professor für Design Studies an der Open<br />

University in London, ist seit den Sechziger Jahren in<br />

<strong>Designforschung</strong> involviert. Für Cross ist <strong>Designforschung</strong><br />

die Entwicklung, Artikulation <strong>und</strong> Kommunikation von<br />

Designwissen <strong>und</strong> er bezieht sich dabei explizit auf Archer’s<br />

generelle Definition von Forschung. (� <strong>Ein</strong>führung in die<br />

<strong>Designforschung</strong>)<br />

«At the Design : Science : Method conference of the<br />

Design Research Conference in 1980, Bruce Archer<br />

gave a general definition of research, which is that<br />

«Research is systematic inquiry, the goal of which is<br />

knowledge». Our concern in design research has to be<br />

the development, articulation and communication<br />

of design knowledge. Our axiom has to be that there<br />

are forms of knowledge peculiar to the awareness<br />

and ability of a designer, just as the other intellectual<br />

cultures in the sciences and the arts concentrate on the<br />

forms of knowledge peculiar to the scientist or<br />

the artist.»<br />

(Cross, 1999, p. 5)

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