30.11.2012 Aufrufe





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Bärbel Dieckmann: Ich vertrete nach 15 guten Jahren für<br />

Bonn die Überzeugung, dass jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt<br />

für einen politischen Generationenwechsel ist. Es ist<br />

keine Entscheidung aus persönlichen Gründen, sondern<br />

eine persönliche Entscheidung aus politischen Gründen.<br />

Demokratie verleiht Macht auf Zeit und lebt vom Wech-<br />

<strong>Playground@Landscape</strong>: How much is<br />

earmarked for Bonn in the economic<br />

stimulus package II?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: We will be getting some 47<br />

million Euros. This is our opportunity to increase<br />

investment in Bonn.<br />

P@L: What measures are planned? What<br />

criteria were used when preparing the list?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: We applied five criteria<br />

when selecting projects. The projects needed to be<br />

capable of being rapidly implemented and have<br />

a good chance of stimulating Bonn’s economy,<br />

they needed to be new – in other words, not already<br />

budgeted for – they also needed to be<br />

energy-friendly and thus provide for lasting cut<br />

backs in the budget, and they also had to be such that they could continue<br />

to be used over the long term.<br />

P@L: What is the purpose of the ‘municipal economic offensive’<br />

in this context?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: We hope that we will be able to increase the rate of<br />

orders that are placed by making the allocation rules less strict, the aim<br />

being to help local and regional enterprises benefit from the stimulus package.<br />

We are already talking with the Chamber of Trade and local trades<br />

people and manufacturers. Our ‘municipal economic offensive’, with<br />

its advisory and information services, is designed to help our local economy<br />

participate in the programme.<br />

P@L: The core sector education will be receiving a very generous<br />

slice of the funds. Why?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: There is a good mixture of proposed measures in this<br />

sector; schools, day nurseries, structural renovation and other projects in<br />

all parts of Bonn. As stipulated by the Federal Government, the money<br />

will be divided into two large tranches for investment. The educational<br />

infrastructure will get 26.3 million Euros. We have decided to assign the<br />

larger proportion of the funds here because we are investing in the future.<br />

The remaining 20.6 million Euros will be available for investment in<br />

the rest of our infrastructure. There will even be an extra 3 million Euros<br />

for private-sector schools (of which 2 million Euros is for ‘Ersatzschulen’<br />

– private schools which provide an equivalent education to public-sector<br />

schools), although they will be expected to find 12.5% of this total themselves.<br />

This is equivalent to the percentage that Bonn will have to contribute<br />

towards the economic stimulus package, although we will only<br />

have to actually find the money after 2012.<br />


sel. Davon bin ich überzeugt und das muss auch für mich<br />

selbst gelten.<br />

Das Interview führte Thomas R. Müller<br />

(<strong>Playground@Landscape</strong>)<br />

Fotos: Stadt Bonn, OK<br />

Economic stimulus package II for Bonn<br />

Investments planned for Bonn include a 26.3 million for schools and kindergartens.<br />

An interview with Bonn’s Principal Mayor, Bärbel Dieckmann.<br />

P@L: What projects in the school and<br />

kindergarten sector will be receiving<br />

special backing?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: Our list of planned measures<br />

includes:<br />

Care facilities for young children: we plan to<br />

extend the day nurseries in the Gerhard-Hauptmann-Straße<br />

(1 million Euros), Am Sonnenhang<br />

(1.8 million Euros) and Schlesienstraße (1.4 million<br />

Euros) – nearly 9 million Euros will be invested<br />

here in all.<br />

Schools: a new school building to replace the<br />

container classes at the Elsa/Paulus school (1.54<br />

million Euros), extensive renovation of the Friedrich-Ebert<br />

school (1.3 million Euros) and 1.5<br />

million Euros to fund various projects proposed<br />

by parent-teacher associations. So a further 5 million Euros is earmarked<br />

for schools. Another 3.5 million Euros will be used to update the science<br />

facilities at ten schools. We consider this to be an important investment<br />

in our future, particularly in our region where we have a lack of engineers<br />

and scientists. A full list of the planned measures can be found on the<br />

net at www.bonn.de.<br />

P@L: Could you tell us what kind of sums will be made<br />

available for the construction and renovation of playgrounds?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: We have already put together a playground requisition<br />

plan. 1 million Euros have already been put aside in our two-year<br />

budget for 2008/2009 for the upkeep and construction of playgrounds.<br />

None of the resources from the stimulus package will be assigned to this<br />

sector.<br />

P@L: : You have significantly contributed towards the<br />

direction Bonn has taken during your term of office.<br />

Why have you decided to step down in the near future?<br />

Bärbel Dieckmann: After 15 years of serving Bonn and its citizens, I have<br />

decided that this is the right time for a change of generations at the political<br />

helm. It is not for personal reasons that I have decided to quit, but<br />

my decision is a result of my personal political beliefs. As far as I am<br />

concerned, any political power can only be temporary in a democratic<br />

system, and it is change that keeps democracy healthy. This is my firm<br />

conviction and so I must necessarily abide by these principles in my own<br />

case.<br />

The interview was conducted by Thomas R. Müller<br />

(<strong>Playground@Landscape</strong>) /// Fotos: Stadt Bonn, OK<br />


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