06.11.2016 Aufrufe

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Chrysanthemum Nr. 20. Oktober 2016 92<br />

J. Zimmermann<br />

Imprinting the Invisible*<br />

The teacher teases<br />

although the target is large<br />

and close<br />

I'll be attached to the idea<br />

of hitting but miss anyway<br />

She makes me begin with nothing: no arrow, no bow, and no target. Instead she<br />

leads me empty-handed through the traditional sequence of eight steps. So I<br />

separate my feet and align them in a way that an invisible line passes through my<br />

arches to the center of the invisible target on my left. I balance my torso, not yet<br />

looking toward the target but facing at right-angles to it. I set the string hand and<br />

the bow hand. Then I raise the bow with the arrow as a unit, turning my head to<br />

the target.<br />

I draw the bow, pushing the bow forward, pulling the string back, and using my<br />

shoulder muscles to open the draw. For three heart beats I hold the full draw. I let<br />

my invisible arrow release. Finally I lower the invisible bow, returning my gaze to<br />

the side where it began, and I close my stride.<br />

a dipper gleans<br />

the bright mountain beck<br />

walking under water<br />

longer than I can hold my breath<br />

when I practice not to drown<br />

_____<br />

* An earlier version of this piece's prose appeared in Presence #48 (2013) in the haibun “Imprinting” with<br />

three haiku.<br />

Chrysanthemum No. 20. October 2016 92

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