08.01.2013 Aufrufe

TG Sports Innsbruck Sommer 2011

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Plunge into the world of kayaking<br />

Our trial courses at Lake Natters give you the<br />

opportunity to get a first taste of kayaking. Trial<br />

courses take place on weekdays in the late afternoon<br />

and are an ideal opportunity to cool off after<br />

a hard day of work.<br />

DATES: each Wednesday and Friday and<br />

upon appointment<br />

MEETING POINT: our office at Lake Natters<br />

at 6.00 p.m.<br />

TO BRING: swimming things<br />

PRICE: € 24,– per person<br />

Registration required!<br />


Your gateway to wild water. During our introductory<br />

courses we spend the first morning at<br />

Lake Natters. There you will learn the basic techniques<br />

of kayaking and all necessary skills for<br />

your first river ride.<br />

In the afternoon, we will already paddle along an<br />

easy river section. If an introductory course lasts<br />

several days, we gradually approach river sections<br />

with higher difficulty levels to finally reach<br />

the third last of a total of six levels.<br />


• Learning the strokes on the lake<br />

• High/low brace<br />

• Optional: Eskimo Roll<br />

• Preparatory training for riding in<br />

flowing waters<br />

• Theoretical current training<br />

• Learning to assess possible sources<br />

of danger<br />

• Swimming and behaviour in wild water<br />

• River rides<br />

• Eddy rides<br />


• All participants have to be able to swim<br />

• General fitness

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