Hey Nostradamus! By Douglas Coupland

Hey Nostradamus! By Douglas Coupland

Hey Nostradamus! By Douglas Coupland


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ecame ghosts. The only thing that counted was Cheryl, and because we kept the marriage secret, it was<br />

way better and more forbidden feeling than if we'd waited and done all the sensible stuff.<br />

There were some problems when we got home. This churchy group Cheryl and I were in, Youth Alive!,<br />

crabby morality spooks who spied on us for weeks, likely with the blessing of my older brother, Kent.<br />

When I was in twelfth grade, Kent was in second year at the University of Alberta, but he was still a<br />

honcho, and I can only imagine the phone conversations he must have been having with the local Alive!<br />

creeps:<br />

Were the lights on or off?<br />

Which lights?<br />

Did they order in pizza?<br />

What time did they leave?<br />

Separately or together?<br />

As if we hadn't noticed we were being spied on. Yet in fairness, the Alive!ers were baby chicks, too.<br />

We all were. Seventeen is nothing. You're still in the womb.<br />

* * *<br />

There are a number of things a woman can tell about a man who is roughly twenty-nine years old, sitting<br />

in the cab of a pickup truck at 3:37 in the afternoon on a weekday, facing the Pacific, writing furiously on<br />

the back of pink invoice slips. Such a man may or may not be employed, but regardless, there is mystery<br />

there. If this man is with a dog, then that's good, because it means he's capable of forming relationships.<br />

But if the dog is a male dog, that's probably a bad sign, because it means the guy is likely a dog, too. A<br />

girl dog is much better, but if the guy is over thirty, any kind of dog is a bad sign regardless, because it<br />

means he's stopped trusting humans altogether. In general, if nothing else, guys my age with dogs are<br />

going to be work.<br />

Then there's stubble: stubble indicates a possible drinker, but if he's driving a van or a pickup truck, he<br />

hasn't hit bottom yet, so watch out, honey. A guy writing something on a clipboard while facing the ocean<br />

at 3:37p.m. may be writing poetry, or he may be writing a letter begging someone for forgiveness. But if<br />

he's writing real words, not just a job estimate or something business-y, then more likely than not this guy<br />

has something emotional going on, which could mean he has a soul.<br />

Maybe you're generous and maybe you assume that everybody has a soul. I'm not so sure. I know that I<br />

have one, even though I'd like to reject my father's every tenet, and say I don't. But I do. It feels like a<br />

small glowing ember buried deep inside my guts.<br />

I also believe people can be born without souls; my father believes this, too, possibly the sole issue we<br />

agree upon. I've never found a technical term for such a person - "monster" doesn't quite nail it - but I<br />

believe it to be true.<br />

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