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WEBER, R.<br />

Schweiz<br />

D.Phil.nat. — Zool. Inst, der Univ. Bern, Sahlistr. 8, BERN,<br />

a. Biochemistry of mitochondria during embryonic development. Tubifex<br />

rivulorum (Oligochaeta), Xenopus laevis (Anura)<br />

b. Submicroscopical structure of the egg. Tubifex rivulorum (Oligochaeta)<br />

Xenopus laevis (Anura)<br />

WEDIN, B. Dr — Forsvarets Forskningsanstalt. Avdelning 1, SUNDBY-<br />

BERG 4. Sweden<br />

W^GLARSKA, Miss B. B.Sc. — Zool. Dept of the Jagellonian Univ., St<br />

Anne 6, KRAKOV/, Poland<br />

a. Descriptive embryology. Hypsibius megalonyx (Eutardigrada)<br />

WEISS, L. B. — Dept of Anat., Harvard Univ., Med. School, 25 Shattuck St.<br />

BOSTON 15. Mass., U.S.A.<br />

a. The cytology, histochemistry and electron microscopy of the granular<br />

cells of the metrial gland of the gravid female. Rattus norvegicus (Rodentia)<br />

(in collaboration with G. B. WISLOCKI. M. BURGOS and R. EL-<br />

LIS).<br />

WEISS, P. A. P. I. I.E.. Ph.D., M.D. (hon.c), ProL — Dept of developm.<br />

Biol., Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Res., 66th St and York Ave, NEW<br />

YORK 21, N.Y.. U.S.A.<br />

WEISZ. P. B. B.S., Ph.D. — Arnold Biol. Lab., Brown Univ., PROVI-<br />

DENCE 12, R.I.. U.S.A.<br />

a.<br />

h.<br />

Study of morphogenesis. Stentor and Blepharisma (Ciliata)<br />

Study of cell division. Stentor (Ciliata), Rana pipiens (Anura), Mus<br />

norvegicus albinus (Rodentia)<br />

WELLER. E. M. A.B., M.S. — Dept<br />

ANGELES 24, Gal., U.S.A.<br />

of Zool., Univ. of Cahf., LOS<br />

a. Studies of the proteins in the serum of the developing embryo. Gallus<br />

domesticus (Aves)<br />

WELLS, L. Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Anat., School of Med., Univ. of Min-<br />

J.<br />

nesota, MINNEAPOLIS 14, Minn., U.S.A.<br />

a. Effects of subcutaneously implanted cortisone and hydrocortisone upon<br />

the adrenal cortex of fetuses. Mus rattus (Rodentia)<br />

b. Formation of the inguinal bursa. Homo (Primates)<br />

WENDT, G. G. Dr Med. — Anat. Inst, der Univ.. Robert Kochstr. 6, MAR-<br />

BURG/Lahn, Deutschland<br />

a. Embryonalentwicklung der Hautleisten und Tastballen. Beziehung zur<br />

Entwicklung der Blutgefasse und zu intrauterinen Druckschwankungen.<br />

(Rodentia), (Mammalia), Homo (Primates)<br />

WENGER. B. S. B.S., M.S., Ph.D. — Dept of Anat., Med. School,<br />

of Kansas, LAWRENCE. Kansas, U.S.A.<br />

Univ.<br />

a. Experimental and microchemical analysis of the developing nervous<br />

system and its relationship to peripheral structures. Gallus domesticus<br />

(Aves)<br />

WENGER, Mrs E. L. B.A., M.A., Ph.D. — Dept of<br />

Univ. of Kansas, LAV/RENCE, Kansas, U.S.A.<br />

Anat., Med. School.<br />

a. Cytochemical and microchemical study of the developing nervous system<br />

and its relationship to developing behaviour patterns. Ambystoma maculatum<br />

(Urodela) (in collaboration with P. G. ROOFE)<br />

,<br />


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