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Si 9 -Sob<br />

SIGOT M. Lie. cs Sci. — Lab. de Zoo!.. Inst, de Zool. et de Biol, gen.,<br />

Fac. des Sci.. 12 Rue dc I'LInivcrsitc. STRASBOURG. France<br />

a. Etude biochimiquc du developpement de I'intcstin; constitution et fonctionncment<br />

cn-ymatique. Gallits (Aves)<br />

SILfiN, L. K. P. Fil.Dr — Zootom. Inst.. Univ. of Stockholm. 116 Drottningqatan.<br />

STOCKHOLM. Sweden<br />

SILVER." P. H. S. Ph.D. — Anat. Dept, Middlesex Hosp.. Med. School.<br />

LONDON W. 1. England (U.K.)<br />

a. Development of pelvic viscera. Homo (Primates)<br />

SINGER. M. A.M.. Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Zool.. Cornell Univ.. ITHA-<br />

CA. N.Y.. U.S.A.<br />

SINHA. T. P. B.S.. M.S.. M.B.. Prof. — Dept of Anat.. Prince of Wales<br />

Med. Coll.. BEHAR. Patna. India<br />

SIMON. Mrs D. — Lab. de Zool. Inst, de Zool. et de Biol. gen.. Fac. des<br />

Sci.. 12 Rue de I'Universite. STRASBOURG. France<br />

a. Explantation in vitro de jeunes embryons et etude des besoins nutritifs<br />

necessaires a leur survie. leur diffcrenciation et leur croissance par<br />

des aliments naturels et synthetiqucs entrant dans Ics milieux de culture.<br />

Galliis (Aves)<br />

SINCLAIR. J. G. B.S.. M.S.. Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Anat.. Med. Branch.<br />

Univ. of Texas. GALVESTON. Tex.. U.S.A.<br />

a. Effects of urethane on reproduction and on the young across the placenta.<br />

Mus musculas (C57 and CBA strains) (Rodentia)<br />

b. Anterior cerebral nerve plexus in adult and fetus. Tursiops truncatus,<br />

Orijctolagus cuniculus. Mas musculus and Homo (Mammalia)<br />

c. Continued study of developmental anomalies. Brain. Heart. Mus musculus<br />

and Homo (Mammalia)<br />

d. Continued study of transplacental effects of urethan. Mus musculus<br />

(Rodentia)<br />

e. Developmental pattern and mechanism of iris and ciliary body. Tursiops<br />

truncatus, Orijctolagus cuniculus, Mus musculus and Homo (Mammalia)<br />

SIPPEL. T. O. A.B., Ph.D. — Dept of Biol.. The Johns Hopkins Univ..<br />

Charles and 34th Sts. BALTIMORE 18. Md. U.S.A.<br />

a. Differentiation in respiratory metabolism of developing heart: respiration,<br />

anaerobic glycolysis, cytochrome system. Gallus domesticus (Aves)<br />

SIRAKAMI, K. I. M.A. — Biol. Dept. Yamanashi Univ.. KOFU. Japan<br />

a. Cell division of isolated blastomeres. Triturus pijrrhogaster. Bufo vulgaris<br />

(Amphibia)<br />

SIRLIN. J. L. Dr Nat. Sci. — Inst, of Animal Genet.. Univ. Dept of Genet.,<br />

King's Buildings. West Mains Rd. EDINBURGH 9. Scotland (U.K.)<br />

a. Differentiation of protein and nucleic acids in embryos. (Amphibia)<br />

(partly in collaboration with C. H. WADDINGTON and F. BIL-<br />

LETT)<br />

b. Organ-specific transfer in embryos. (Amphibia) (in collaboration with<br />

T. ELSDALE)<br />

c. Investigation of early embryonic development, using radioactive tracers.<br />

Mus musculus (Rodentia) (in collaboration with R. G. EDWARDS)<br />

SKREB. N. M.D. — Inst, de Biol.. Fac. de Med., Salata. ZAGREB, Yougoslavie<br />

a. Cytologie et cytochimie des premiers stades du developpement. Rhinolophus,<br />

Miniopterus (Chiroptera)<br />


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