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SHANER, R. F. Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Prof. — Dept of Anat.. Univ. of Alberta,<br />

Med. School. EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada<br />

a. A study of abnormal hearts in embryos corresponding to the third month<br />

of human development. Sus scro[a (Artiodactyla)<br />

h. Study of a collection of abnormal embryos of an age corresponding to<br />

the third month of human development with the aim of throwing light on<br />

the development of various human abnormalities. Sus scrofa (Artiodac-<br />

tyla)<br />

SHANNON, J. E. — Dept of Zool., Univ. of Connecticut. STORRS, Conn.,<br />

U.S.A.<br />

a. Factors affecting reaggregation and segregated cells in tissue culture,<br />

(in collaboration with H. CLARK)<br />

SHAPIRO. H. B.S., A.M.. Ph.D., Prof. — Nat. Inst, of Health, BETHES-<br />

DA, Md, U.S.A.<br />

SHAVER, J. R. A.B., Ph.D. — Dept of Embryol., Div. of Biol., Cahf. Inst.<br />

of Technol., PASADENA 4. Cal., U.S.A.<br />

SHEN. S. C. Ph.D. — Osborn Zool. Lab., Yale Univ., NEW HAVEN 11,<br />

Conn., U.S.A.<br />

a. Comparative cytochemistry of C.N.S. (Vertebrata)<br />

SHIINO, S. M. B.Sc, D.Sc. — Fac. of Fisheries, Mie Prefectural Univ.,<br />

TSU-CITY, Mie-Pref., Japan<br />

a. Studies on the origin of teloblasts and their derivatives. Goetice depressus<br />

(Brachyura, Crustacea)<br />

SHIN-IKE, T. — Osaka Dental Coll., HIRAKATA CITY, Osaka-Pref..<br />

Japan<br />

a. Factors in the morphogenesis of the pronephric system. Triturus pyrrhogastet<br />

(Urodela)<br />

SHORT, B. F. Ph.D. — C.S.I.R.O. Sheep Biol. Lab., Great Western Highway,<br />

PROSPECT (P.O.Box 144, Paramatta), N.S.W., Australia<br />

a. Response to homologous skin antigens. Mus musculus, Ovis (Mammalia)<br />

SHULOV, A. Dr Sc. Nat. — Dept of Zool., Hebrew Univ., JERUSALEM,<br />

Israel<br />

a. Ecological conditions of development of eggs. Artificially induced interruption<br />

of development (eggs) (The changes in yearly development<br />

cycles under influence of dryness or/and humidity). Anacridium aegyptium,<br />

Pareuprepocnemis sytiaca, Calliptamus spec, Schistocerca gregaria,<br />

Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Orthoptera)<br />

b. Proteases of eggs. Correlation of the morphological changes in the embryo<br />

with appearance of proteases. Schistocerca gregaria, Locusta migratoria<br />

migratorioides (Orthoptera)<br />

SHUTE, C. C. D. M.A., M.B., B.Chir. — Anat.<br />

bridge, CAMBRIDGE, England (U.K.)<br />

School. Univ. of Cam-<br />

a. Embryology. (Insectivora)<br />

b. Embryology. (Squamata)<br />

SIEGFRIED, — J. Inst. d'Anat., Fac.<br />

Ecole de Med., GENEVE, Suisse<br />

de Med., Univ. de Geneve, 20 Rue<br />

a. Developpement du plexus solaire (plexus coeliacus).<br />

SIGOT, A. — Lab. de Biol, gen., Inst, de Zool. et de Biol, gen.,<br />

12 Rue de I'Universite, STRASBOURG, France<br />

Fac. des Sci.,<br />

a. Etude de la sensibilite hereditaire au gaz carbonique. Drosophila melanogaster<br />

(Diptera)<br />


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