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a. Histochemical investigation of early neural notochordal and related tissues.<br />

Gallus gallus (Aves)<br />

LEBLOND, C. P. M.D.. Ph.D., Prof.<br />

MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada<br />

— Dept of Anat., McGill Univ..<br />

a.<br />

b.<br />

Development of the thyroid gland. (Vertebrata)<br />

The development of bones and teeth as shown on radioautographs with<br />

the help of radio-carbon-containing substances. (Vertebrata)<br />

LECAMP, M. — Lab. d'Evolution des Etres organises, Fac. des Sci. de<br />

Paris, 105 Boulevard Raspail, PARIS Vie, France<br />

LEEUWENBERG, A. J. M. B.Sc. — Zool. Lab. der Rijks Univ., Janskerkhof<br />

3, UTRECHT, Holland<br />

a. Influence of various kations on development. Limnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda)<br />

(in collaboration with W. L. M. GEILENKIRCHEN and<br />

Chr. P. RAVEN)<br />

LEFEBVRES—BOISSELOT, Mrs J. Dr es Sci. — Lab. d'Embryol., Fac.<br />

de Med., 45 Rue des Sts Peres, PARIS Vie, France<br />

a. Teratogenese par carence en vitamines B. Mas rattus (Rodentia)<br />

b. Developpement anormal de I'encephale. Mus rattus (Rodentia)<br />

c. Developpement du bee de lievre. Mus rattus (Rodentia)<br />

LEGHISSA, S. Ph.D. — Lab. di Istol. ed Embriol., 1st. di Anat. Comp.,<br />

Via Belmeloro 8, BOLOGNA (103), Italia<br />

a. Study of egg-cortex. Fusion of blastomeres. (Ascidiae, Urochordata)<br />

b. Differentiation and morphology of nervous tissue. (Coelenterata)<br />

c. Comparative neurology. (Vertebrata)<br />

d. Effects of antimitotics on regeneration of peripheral nerves and on metamorphosis.<br />

Rana, Bufo (Anura) (in collaboration with P. PASQUINI)<br />

e. Regeneration of peripheric nerves. (Vertebrata)<br />

f. Action of vitamins (A, B group, C) on the histophysiology of endocrine<br />

glands during metamorphosis. Rana (Anura)<br />

LEGRAND. J.-J. Dr es Sci., Prof. — Lab. de Zool..<br />

TIERS, Vienne. France<br />

Fac. des Sci.. POIa.<br />

Determination et differenciation du sexe, castrations, greffes, correlations<br />

humorales.<br />

Crustacea)<br />

Etude genetique de la monogenie. (Oniscoidea, Isopoda,<br />

b. Developpement des coaptations. (Oniscoidea, Isopoda; Decapoda, Crus-<br />

tacea), (Insecta)<br />

c. Etude de la croissance. (Oniscoidea, Isopoda, Crustacea)<br />

d. Modalites de la reproduction. Platyarthrus schoblii (Oniscoidea, Isopoda)<br />

e. Analyse biometrique des populations de deux especes soeurs dans le nord<br />

et le midi de la France. Philoscia muscorum Scopoli and P. affinis Verhoeff<br />

(Oniscoidea, Isopoda, Crustacea)<br />

LEHMAN, H. E. M.A., Ph.D. — Dept of Zool., Univ. of North Carolina.<br />

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., U.S.A.<br />

a. Studies on the behaviour, differentiation and metabolism of pigment cells<br />

as related to the establishment of specific pigment patterns of larvae and<br />

adults. Ambystoma and Triturus (Urodela)<br />

b. Studies on the relation of external media and physical surfaces on the<br />

migration and differentiation of tissues in vitro. Ambystoma and<br />

Triturus (Urodela)<br />

c. Transplantation of blastula nuclei into enucleated, uncleaved eggs. Triton<br />

(Urodela)<br />


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