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Sei-Sig<br />

SEIDEL, F. DrPhil.. o.Prof. — Zool. Inst, der Univ.. Ketzerbach 63, (16)<br />

MARBURG/Lahn. Deutschland<br />

— Mnx-PIanck-Inst. f. Tierzucht und Ticrernahrung. (20a) MARIEN-<br />

SEE, Krcis Ncustadt a. Riibenberge. Deutschland<br />

a. Morphologische und physiologische Untersuchungen an der embryonalen<br />

Entwicklung. Oryctolagns cuniculus ( Lagomorpha)<br />

b. Moiphologische und physiologische Untersuchungen an der embryonalen<br />

Entwicklung. Platycnemis (Odonata) . Gnjllus (Orthoptcra) . Apis<br />

(Hijmenoptera) und Ascaris (Nematoda)<br />

SELMAN, G. G. Ph.D. — Inst, of Animal Genet.. Univ. Dept of Genet.,<br />

King's Buildings, West Mains Rd. EDINBURGH 9, Scotland (U.K.)<br />

a. Study of the effects of destroying the primary organisation of mosaic<br />

and regulation eggs by ultrasonic treatment. (Invertebrata)<br />

b. Some measurement of morphogenetic forces and the mechanical properties<br />

of the tissue concerned. (Ampibia)<br />

c. Study of developing embryos using electronmicrographs of ultrathin<br />

sections. (Amphibia) (in collaboration with Mrs H. B. OLIVER<br />

YATES)<br />

SEMBRAT, K. Ph.D., D.Sc. Prof. — Zaklad Zool. Ogolnej, Inst. Zool.,<br />

Uniw. we Wroclawiu, ul. Sienkiewicza 21, WROCLAW, Poland<br />

a. Descripti\e and experimental embryology. Sagartia leiicolena Verril<br />

(Anthozoa)<br />

h. Localization of the primary gonocytes in the early gastrula. (Amphibia)<br />

c. The morphogenetical functions of the thyroid gland and hypophysis.<br />

(Pisces. Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves)<br />

d. Early developmental stages. Epimys norvegicus (Rodentia)<br />

e. Regulation and regeneration of the primary optic vesicle. Triturus<br />

(Urodela)<br />

SEMBRATOWA, Mrs Z. OPOCZYnSKA M.D., Prof. — Zaklad Histol.<br />

i Embryol., Akad. Mcdycznej. Chalubinskiego 6a, WROCLAW, Poland<br />

a. Regulation and regeneration of the primary optic vesicle. Triturus (Uro-<br />

dela)<br />

SENGEL, Ph. J. Lie. es Sci. — Lab. de Zool., Inst, de Zool. et de Biol, gen.,<br />

Fac. des Sci., 12 Rue de I'Universite, STRASBOURG, France<br />

a. Sur I'induction d'une zone pharyngienne. Dugesia lugubris O. Schm.<br />

(Turbellaria)<br />

b. Croissance du germe plumaire et pigmentation de la peau d'embryon cultivce<br />

in vitro sur milieux naturels et synthetiques. Gallus gallus (Aves)<br />

SENSENIG, E. C. B.A., M.S., Ph.D.. ProL — Univ. of Alabama, Med.<br />

Center. BIRMINGHAM 5, Alabama, U.S.A.<br />

SETTLE, G. W. A.B , M.D. — Dept of Embryol., Carnegie Inst, of<br />

Washington. Wolfe and Madison Sts. BALTIMORE 5, Md. U.S.A.<br />

a. Anatomy of club-foot deformities (particularly<br />

the fetus. Homo (Primates)<br />

SEVKET GIZ, F. Dr, Prof. — Zooloji Enstitusu.<br />

ISTANBUL. Turkey<br />

talipes equinovaris) in<br />

Suleymaniye-Miiftiiliik,<br />

a. Normal development of some marine species. (Pisces)<br />

SHAFIQ, S. A. M.Sc. D.Ph. — Dept of Zool.. Dacca<br />

Pakistan<br />

Univ., DACCA,<br />

a. Cytological study of the differentiation of pancreatic cells (exocrine).<br />

Bufo maculipenis (Anura)<br />

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