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Yamamoto -Zwi<br />

a. Studies on the fertilization. Limanda schrenki. Oncorhynchus keta<br />

(Tclcostci)<br />

b. Studies on the formation of eggs. (Teleostei)<br />

YAMAMOTO, T. D.Sc, Prof. — Biol. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Nagoya Univ..<br />

Chigusa-Ku, NAGOYA. Japan<br />

a. On the mechanism of fertihzation and activation. Oryzias latipes (Telc'<br />

ostci)<br />

b. Artificial induction of functional sex-reversal. Oryzias latipes (Teleostei)<br />

c. Melanin formation in color phenotypes. Oryzias latipes (Teleostei) (in<br />

collaboration with T. HISHIDA and H. TOMITA)<br />

YANAGIMACHI, R. — Dept of Zool., Fac. of Sci., Hokkaido Univ..<br />

North 8. West 5. SAPPORO. Japan<br />

a. Development and life-history of Japanese forms. (Rhizocephalia, Crustacea)<br />

(in collaboration with A. ICHIKAWA)<br />

YANAI, T. Ph.D. — Dept of Biol., Shimanc Univ.. MATSUE, Shimaneken.<br />

Japan<br />

a. Comparative embryology of hatching gland. (Pisces and Amphibia)<br />

b. Experimental embryology of hatching gland. (Amphibia)<br />

YAO. T. Ph.D. — Lab. of Developm. Physiol.. Inst, for Exper. Biol., Acad.<br />

Sinica, 865 Chang Ning Rd. SHANGHAI. China<br />

YNTEMA. C. L. F.I. I.E.. Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Anat.. School of Med..<br />

State Univ. of New York. 766 Irving Ave, SYRACUSE 10, N.Y..<br />

U.S.A.<br />

a. Induction and differentiation of ear ectoderm. Ambystoma punctatum<br />

(Urodela)<br />

b. Regeneration of aneural limbs. Ambystoma punctatum (Urodela)<br />

c. Development of autonomic nervous system. Gallus domesticus (Aves)<br />

(in collaboration with W. S. HAMMOND)<br />

d. Development of the visceral skeleton. Gallus domesticus (Aves) (in collaboration<br />

with W. S. HAMMOND)<br />

YOUNG, W. C. Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Anat., Med. School, Univ. ot<br />

Kansas. LAWRENCE. Kansas. U.S.A.<br />

a. Reproduction as influenced by hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in<br />

both males and females. Cavia porcelhis (Rodentia)<br />

h. Sexual behaviour in the male. Cavia porcellus (Rodentia)<br />

ZAAIJER. Miss J. J. P. Ph.D. — Lab. for Cytol. and exper. Histol.. Fac. of<br />

Med., Univ. of Leyden, Rijnsburgerweg 10. Boerhaavekwart.. LEIDEN.<br />

Holland<br />

a. Cartilage and bone formation i n v i t r o. Homo sapiens (Primates)<br />

ZAHND. J. P. — Inst. d'Embryol., Fac. de Med., 1 Place de I'Hopital,<br />

STRASBOURG, France<br />

a. Developpement du squelette. Facteurs influencjant le developpement.<br />

Anas (Aves)<br />

ZELLER. Ch. — Zool.-vergl. Anat. Inst., Naturw. Fak., Univ. Zurich,<br />

KiJnstlergasse 16, ZuRICH. Schweiz<br />

a. Nucleic acids in merogonic hybrids. Triton (Urodela)<br />

ZEUTHEN, E. Dr Phil. — Lab. of Zoophysiol.. Nat. Sci. Fac. Univ. of<br />

Copenhagen. Juliane Mariesvej 32. COPENHAGEN 0. Denmark<br />

112<br />

a. Study with Cartesian divers of mitotic rhythm in oxygen uptake and in<br />

carbon dioxide output during cleavage period. (Echinoidea)

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