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Placentation and changes in reproductive tract. (Cervidae) (in collaboration<br />

with R. HARRISON)<br />

J.<br />

c. The development and structure of the placenta. Homo (Primates) (in<br />

collaboration with }. D. BOYD, Cambridge)<br />

, r ^. ^ a<br />

HAMMOND W. S.<br />

Ph.D., Prof. — Dept of Anat., Scnool of Med., State<br />

UnVv of'New York, 766 Irving Ave, SYRACUSE 10, N.Y., U.S^A.<br />

a Development of the autonomic nervous system. Gallus domesticus (Aves)<br />

(in collaboration with C. L. YNTEMA) ;, , , i<br />

b Develooment of the visceral skeleton. Gallus domesticus (Aves) (m collaboration<br />

with C. L. YNTEMA) ,01^<br />

HAMPE A. Lie. es Sci. — Lab. de ZooL, Inst, de Zool. et de Biol. gen..<br />

Fac. des Sci., 12 Rue de I'Universite, STRASBOURG, France<br />

a. Etude de la regulation des ebauches des membres. Gallus gallus (Aves)<br />

b. La differenciation sexuelle, par les methodes de greffes, de castration,<br />

d'injections d'hormones et d'explantations. Differenciation normale et<br />

inversion sexuelle des gonades, des voies genitales et des caracteres somatiques<br />

precoces. Gallus and Anas (Aves) (en collaboration avec Et.<br />


Miss B. SALZGEBER, et G. STRUDEL)<br />

HANAOKA, K. I. D.Sc, Prof. — Dept of Biol., Fac. of Lib. Arts and Sci.,<br />

Yamagata Univ., Kinomekoji 80, YAMAGATA, Japan<br />

a. Neurosecretory hormones in relation to reproductive cycle. Potamon<br />

dehaani (Decapoda, Crustacea)<br />

HARA, K. B.Sc, M.vSc. — Biol. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Nagoya Univ., Chigusaku,<br />

NAGOYA, Japan<br />

a. Continuation of the work done in Utrecht, 1954 (analysis of induction<br />

phenomena). Gallus (Aves)<br />

HARDER, W. Drrer.nat. — Inst, fiir Fischereibiol. der Univ. Hamburg.<br />

a.<br />

Holstenwall 24, HAMBURG 36, Deutschland<br />

Post-embryonale Entwicklung, insbesondere die Umwandlungen des Verdauungsapparates<br />

wahrend der Metamorphose. Vergleichende Untersuchungen<br />

innerhalb zweier Familien. Clupea harengus, C. sprattus, C.<br />

pilchardus (Clupeidae), Engraulis encrasicholus (Engraulidae, Teleostei)<br />

HARDY, Miss M. H. M.Sc. Ph.D. — Div. of Anim. Health and Production,<br />

C.S.I.R.O., McMaster Anim. Health Lab., Parramatta Road.<br />

Glebe, SYDNEY, N.S.W., Australia (Guest-worker from C.S.I.R.O..<br />

Sheep Biol. Lab.)<br />

a. Induction of hair follicle formation. Mus musculus, Ovis (Mammalia)<br />

(in collaboration with A. G. LYNE)<br />

b. Pigmentation processes in skin and hair in tissue culture. Mus musculus<br />

(Rodentia)<br />

c. Analysis of causes of pattern and density of hair follicles in skin. Ovis<br />

(Artiodactyla) (in collaboration with A. G. LYNE)<br />

d. Effects of the gene „Tabby" on hair follicle development, i n v i v o and<br />

in vitro. Mus musculus (Rodentia)<br />

e. Growth of skin and hair i n v i v o and i n v i t r o. Trichosmus vulpecula,<br />

Perameles nasuta (Marsupialia) (in collaboration with A. G. LYNE)<br />

HARKMARK, W. Cand.Med. — Anat. Inst., Univ. of Oslo, OSLO,<br />

Norway<br />

HARRIS, J. E. M.A., Ph.D.. Prof. — Dept of Zool.. The Univ.. BRISTOL<br />

8, England (U.K.)<br />


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