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ELOFF, F. C. D.Sc, Prof. — Zool. Inst., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Pretoria,<br />

South Africa<br />

ELSDALE, T. — Inst, of Animal Genet., Univ. Dept of Genet.,<br />

Buildings, West Mains Rd, EDINBURGH 9. Scotland (U.K.)<br />

King's<br />

a. Organ-specific transfer in embryos. (Amphibia) (in collaboration with<br />

L. SIRLIN)<br />

J.<br />

EL SHATOURY. H. H. B.Sc, Ph.D. — Inst, of Animal Genet., Univ. Dept<br />

of Genet., King's Buildings, West Mains Rd, EDINBURG 9, Scotland<br />

(U.K.)<br />

a. Survey of pupal lethals. Dtosophila (Diptera)<br />

b. Post-embryonic development and behaviour of the blood-forming organs.<br />

Dtosophila melanogaster (Diptera)<br />

c. Application of immune reactions to determine invisible changes in non-<br />

d.<br />

metamorphic structures. Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera)<br />

Gastric tumours and their relation to hormonal disturbances. Drosophila<br />

melanogaster (Diptera)<br />

e. Imaginal induction. Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera)<br />

f. Metamorphosis. Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera)<br />

EMANUELSSON, H. Fil.Lic. — Zoophysiol. Inst.. Univ. of Lund, LUND.<br />

Sweden<br />

a. Nucleic<br />

(Aves)<br />

acid gradients in the developing embryo. Gallus domesticus<br />

b. DNA-synthesis in the developing embryo. Gallus domesticus (Aves)<br />

ENDO, Y. M.Sc. — Biol. Lab., Keio Univ.. Hiyoshi, Kohoku, YOKOHA-<br />

MA, Japan<br />

a. A chemical study of the processes of fertilization membrane formation.<br />

(Echinoidea)<br />

b. Electron microscopical study of the fertilization membrane. (Echinoidea)<br />

ENGELBRECHT, D. van Z. M.Sc. — Zool. Inst.. Univ. of Stellenbosch.<br />

STELLENBOSCH, South Africa<br />

a. Cranial ontogenesis. Pyromelana spec. (Aves)<br />

ENGELMANN, F. Cand. Phil. — Zool. Inst, der Univ.<br />

BERN, Schweiz<br />

Bern, Sahlistr. 8,<br />

a. Untersuchungen der hormonalen Steuerung der Hautungen. Leucophaea<br />

Maderae (Orthoptera)<br />

ENGLaNDER, H. DrMed.. Dr rer. nat. — Zool. Inst, der<br />

Kerpenerstr. 13, KoLN-LINDENTHAL, Deutschland<br />

Univ. Koln,<br />

a. Regionalspezifische Induktion. (Urodela)<br />

ERENgiN, Z. Med. Veter. Dr.. Prof. — Inst, of<br />

Veter. Coll. of the Univ.. ANKARA. Turkey<br />

Histol. and Embryol..<br />

(no embryological work in progress)<br />

ESTABLE, CI. F.I.I.E.. Dr, Prof. — Inst, de Investigacion de Ciencias Biologicas.<br />

Avenue Italia 3318. MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay<br />

EVANS, D. R. B.S.. M.S. — Dept of Biol., The Johns Hopkins Univ..<br />

Charles and 34th Sts. BALTIMORE 18. Md, U.S.A.<br />

a. The development of erupt eye and melanotic tumors. Drosophila melanogaster<br />

(Diptera)<br />

EVANS. H. J. Ph.D. — Dept of Zool..<br />

N.Y., U.S.A.<br />

Syracuse Univ., SYRACUSE 10,<br />

a. Action of cortisone on the developing embryo. Gallus domesticus. Rattus<br />

rattus (Amniota)<br />


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