Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency

Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency

Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency


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Grant Agreement No. 460000XXXX<br />

Page 5 of42<br />

ossuronces, declorotions, representolions, ond stoTemenis mode by Grontee in lhe opplicot¡on,<br />

documents, omendments, ond communicotions filed in support of its request for Sofe Drinking Woter, Woter<br />

Quolity ond Supply, Flood Control, River ond Coostol Protection Bond Act of 2006 finoncing. Grontee<br />

worronts thot oll Locol Project Sponsors will be contrqctuolly required to comply with this Gront Agreement<br />

for their respective project or projecls.<br />

17. SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. The submittol ond opprovol of oll reports is o requirement for the successful<br />

completion of this Gront Agreement. Reports sholl meet generolly occepÌed professionolstondords for<br />

technicol reporting ond sholl be proofreod for content. numericol occurocy, spelling, ond grommor prior to<br />

submittol to Stote. All reports sholl be submitted to the Sfofe's Project Monoger, ond sholl be submÌtted in<br />

both electronic ond hord copy forms. lf requested, Grontee sholl promplly provide ony odditionol<br />

informolion deemed necessory by Stote for the opprovol of reports. Reports sholl be presented in the<br />

formots described in the opplicoble portion of Exhibit E. The timely submittol of reports is o requirement for<br />

initiol ond continued disbursement of Stote funds. Submittol ond subsequent opprovol by the Stote, of o<br />

Project Completion Report for eoch projecf listed on Exhibit A is o requirement for the releose of ony funds<br />

retoined for such project.<br />

. Quorterly Proqress Reporfs: Groniee sholl submit Quorterly Progress Reports on o regulor ond consistent<br />

bosis to meet the Stote's requirement for disbursement of funds. Quorterly Progress Reports sholl be sent<br />

vio e-moil, to the Stote's Project Monoger os specified in Exhibit B. Quorterly Progress Reports sholl<br />

provide o brief description of the work performed, Grontees octivilies, milestones ochieved, ony<br />

occomplishments ond ony problems encountered in the performonce of the work under this Gront<br />

Agreement during the reporting period. The first Quorterly Progress Report should be submitted to DWR<br />

no loter thon August 1 ,2012 for the quorter ending June 30. 2012 with future reports then due on<br />

successive three month increments bosed on the invocing schedule ond this dote.<br />

. Project Completion Reports: Grontee sholl prepore ond submit to Stote o seporoÌe Project Completion<br />

Report for eoch project included in Exhibit A. Grontee sholl submit o Project CompleÌion ReporÌ within<br />

ninety (90) colendor doys of project completion. Eoch Project Completion Report sholl include o<br />

description of octuol work done, ony chonges or qmendments to eoch project. ond o finol schedule<br />

showing octuol progress versus plonned progress. ond copies of ony finol documents or reports<br />

generoted or utilized during o project. The Project Completion Report sholl olso include. if opplicoble,<br />

cerlificotion of finol project by o registered civil engineer, consistenl Stondord Condition D-l5,"Finol<br />

lnspections ond Certificotion of Regislered Civil Engineer." A DWR "Certificotion of Project CompleÌion"<br />

form will be provided by the Stote.<br />

. Gronl Comoletion Report: Upon completion of oll projects included in Exhibit A, Grontee sholl submit to<br />

Stote o Gront Completion Report. The Gront CompleÏion Report sholl be submitted within ninety (90)<br />

colendor doys of submitting the Project Completion Report for the finol project to be completed under<br />

the Gront Agreement. The Gront CompleÌion Report sholl include reimbursement stotus, o brief<br />

description of eoch project completed, ond how those projects will furlher the gools of the IRWM Plon<br />

ond identify ony chonges to the IRWM Plon, os o result of project implementotion. Retention for the lost<br />

project to be compleied os port of this Gront Agreement will not be disbursed until fhe Gront<br />

Completion Report is submitted to ond opproved by the Stote.<br />

. Project Performonce Reports: Gronfee sholl submit o Projecl Performonce Report for eoch project.<br />

Project Performonce Reports sholl be submitted to Stote wiÏhin ninety (90) colendor doys ofler the first<br />

operofionol yeor of o project hos elopsed. This record keeping ond reporting process sholl be repeoted,<br />

for eoch project, onnuolly for o totol of ì0 yeors ofter the compleled projecl begins operotion.<br />

lB. IRWM PROGRAM PERFORMANCE AND ASSURANCES. Grontee ogrees to foithfully ond expeditiously perform<br />

or couse to be performed oll IRWM Progrom work os described in lhe finol plons ond specificotions for eoch<br />

project under this Gront Agreemenl ond implement lhe project in occordonce with opplicoble provisions<br />

of the low. ln the eveni Stote finds it necessory to enforce lhis provision of this Gront AgreemenÌ in the<br />

monner provided by low, Grontee ogrees to poy oll costs incurred by Stote including, but nol limited fo,<br />

reosonoble ottorneys'fees, legol expenses, ond costs.

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