Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency

Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency

Agendapkt032212 A.pdf - Amador Water Agency


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Tosk 5 Deliverobles:<br />

. 1O7" Design<br />

o Finol llOO%) Design Pockoge<br />

o Bid Pockoge including Finol Plons ond Specificotions<br />

Tosk ó: Environmentol Documenlotion<br />

Grant Agreement No. 460000XXXX<br />

Page II of42<br />

Becouse the projecT involves infrostructure replocement ond rehobilitolion there ore no significont onticîpoted<br />

project impocls. For CEQA complionce on lnitiolStudy (lS) will be prepored following completion of the l0%<br />

design. Following completion of the lS o Negotive Declorotion or Mitigoted Negotive Declorotion. os<br />

oppropriote, will be declored. The Negotive Declorotion (or Mitigoted Negotive Declorotion) will be circuloted<br />

for o 30-doy public review period ond will include the following:<br />

. A description of the Loke Comonche Tonk Rehobilitotion & Loterol Replocement Project<br />

. The locotíon of the project ond o site mop<br />

. A summory of the need for the Project<br />

. A proposed finding thot the Project will not hove o significont impoct on the environment<br />

. An ottoched copy of the lnitiol Study documenting reosons for the finding of no significonl impocts<br />

o Mitigotion meosures, if opplicoble<br />

After lhe public review period, the Negolive Declorotion (or MiÌigoted Negoiive Declorotion) will be finolized.<br />

Nolices for both the tonk lining portion ond the loterol replocement portion of the Project will be published.<br />

Note:This Work Plon provides for on lS ond Negotive Declorotion (or Mitigoted Negotive Declorolion) process<br />

to fulfill CEQA complionce. lf AWA Legol Counsel determines the project is Cotegoricolly Exempt under CEQA<br />

then the obove described tosk ond ossocioted tosk budget will be odjusted occordingly.<br />

Tosk ó Deliverobles:<br />

. lnitiol Study<br />

. Approved ond odopted Negotive Declorotion or Mitigoted Negotive Declorotion<br />

o Publish NoTice for Tonk Rehobilitotion<br />

. Publish Notice for Loterol Reolocement<br />

Tosk 7: Permilting<br />

AWA will ocquire on Amodor Counly Encroochment Permit. Additionolly, AWA will coordinote direclly with the<br />

Colifornio Deportment of Public Heolth (CDPH) for permit complionce os this is o drinking woter project.<br />

Tosk / Deliverobles:<br />

. Amodor County Encroochment Permit<br />

o Colifornio Deportment of Heolth Permits (os required)<br />

Budget Cotegory (di ; Construcfion I lmplemenfotion<br />

The tonk rehobililotion portion of the project will be let to o privole conlroctor. AWA will perform the loterol<br />

replocement portion of the work with ogency stoff.<br />

Tosk B: Construction Controcling - Tonk Rehobilitotion Portion Only<br />

AWA will odvertise for bids, conduct pre-bid controctors meeting, open ond review submitted bids, oword the<br />

Construction Controct. ond issue Notice of Aword/Notice to Proceed (NOA/NTP) for the tonk rehobililotion<br />

portion of the project. The tonk rehobililolion porlion of the Finol Design pockoge completed during Tosk 5 will<br />

be used for the bid odvertisement.<br />

Tosk B Deliverobles:<br />

o Notice to Bidders

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