FONG WAN - Library

FONG WAN - Library

FONG WAN - Library


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Q. You saw him just before Christinas? A. Yes.<br />

Q. Did he come to your place? A. No.<br />

Q. Where did you see him ? A. I called and saw him.<br />

Q. Did he tell you about this case pending against him in the<br />

Federal Court, here, at that time? A. No.<br />

Q. Did you ever give him a testimonial ? A. He asked me if the<br />

herbs helped me and I told him they did.<br />

Q. You told him they did. Is that all you ever told him ? A. Yes.<br />

Q. Did you ever tell him anything else? A. I think that covers<br />

everything.<br />

ing?<br />

Q. Did you ever give him anything in writing? A. Yes.<br />

Q. Do you recall the time that you gave him something in writ-<br />

Prosecuting Attorney: Q. I don't want to intimidate you in any<br />

way, Mrs. Mead. I want to be just as fair with you as I can possibly<br />

be. The thing I want to get is this, I want to know, and I think the<br />

jury wants to know, just what you said in that letter. If you will re-<br />

fresh your recollection to think about it, I will{ let you think about it.<br />

It is very important that we know what you said in that letter. A. I<br />

said just how much good the herbs did me. That covered it all.<br />

Q. What good did you say they did you? A. I don't memorize<br />

everything<br />

I write.<br />

Q. What words do you think you might have used? Did you write<br />

three lines, two lines, or five lines ? Don't you see what I am trying<br />

to get at?<br />

Q. Will you just read that letter, Madam,<br />

right here, at the top, page 147 of the testimonial book. You have<br />

read that, have you ? A. Yes.<br />

Q. Is that what you wrote him at that time? A. Yes.<br />

Q. Are- you positive? A. Yes.<br />

Prosecuting Attorney: It reads as follows:<br />

I hereby certify that the facts in this statement are absolutely true<br />

and that I had previously tried all the methods I know of for reducing.<br />

Observing that a friend of mine had obtained such splendid results in<br />

the- way of gaining weight by taking the Fong Wan Herbs, I consulted<br />

Fong Wan to see if he could give me herbs to make me thin.<br />

He frankly told me that it would be easy to reduce the flesh of the<br />

trunk and abdomen, but that on the big muscles of the limbs the flesh<br />


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