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Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..


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Francesco Algarotti's posthumous edition of Pallavicini's Opere (Venice, 1744) contains only five<br />

librettos. Its first volume is identical to the 1736 print of translated odes, and its second contains<br />

translations of other poems by Horace. Its third begins with translations of Locke, Euripides and<br />

Virgil, then provides what may be the earliest extant copy of Un pazzo ne fa cento ovvero Don<br />

Chisciotte (iii, 135-236), a comic opera text that Giovanni Ristori had set for a Dresden production in<br />

1727. The final volume consists mainly of occasional poetry, and it ends with a pastoral discourse on<br />

music and a discourse on friendship (which is dated 'Warsaw, 1732'). The occasional poems include<br />

three brief secular dramas and one oratorio: Timandra, an egloga for Teagene, Amarilli, Alcindo,<br />

Nerina and Dorinda, written for the arrival of Empress Arnalia in Neuhaus, 27 May 1737 (iv, 51-66);<br />

I delicati, a dialogo per musica for Amore and a chorus, written to celebrate the birth of the elector's<br />

daughter (iv, 75-84); an untitled dialogo per musica for Marte, Venere, Imeneo and Calliope, for the<br />

marriage of Gio. Adamo, baron of Efferen, and Marianna, baroness of Spee (iv, 85-93); and Ipelle-<br />

grini a1 sepolcro di N. S., an oratorio for Albino, Eugenio, Teotimo, Agapito and Guida (iv, 105-22).<br />

The last work was first set by Hasse in 1742. The composers of the secular dramas remain to be<br />

identified, because no bibliographic study of Pallavicini's librettos has yet been completed.<br />

3. Johann Philipp Franz von Schonborn (1673-1724)<br />

During the Baroque period, the Schonborn family was among the most powerful in the Austro-<br />

German empire. Johann Philipp von Schonborn (1605-73), called 'the German Solomon', was from<br />

1642 the bishop of Wurzburg and from 1647 the powerful elector-archbishop of Mainz and lord<br />

chancellor of the empire. Meanwhile, his brother, Philipp Erwein, fathered seven daughters and five<br />

sons, one of whom, Melchior Friedrich (1644-1717), sired seven daughters and seven sons, the eldest<br />

of whom was Johann Philipp Franz (hereafter, J.P.F.).~~ The seven brothers were each educated in<br />

Catholic schools chosen by their youngest uncle, Lothar Franz (1655-1729), bishop of Bamberg from<br />

1693 and elector-archbishop of Mainz from 1695.~~ Five of the seven became priests, and four of<br />

these became bishops. Among the latter were the two eldest, J.P.F. and Friedrich Karl, who studied<br />

in 1687-9 at the Jesuit College in Wurzburg and in 1690-2, when they were in their late teens, at the<br />

Collegio Germanic0 in Rome. The next two brothers, Damian Hugo and Franz Erwein, studied at<br />

this Roman college in 1693-5.44 When the two eldest Schonborns were in Rome, they took violin<br />

lessons from a 'mei~ter'.~' Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657-1743) was maestro di cappella at their col-<br />

42 The accomplishments of the seven sons are summarized in Friedhelm Jiirgensmeier, 'Politische Ziele und kirchliche<br />

Erneuerungsbestrebungen der Bischofe aus dem Hause Schonborn im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert', in Die Grafen von<br />

Schonborn: Kirchenfursten, Sammler, Mazene, Ausstellungskatalog des Gemanischen Nationalmuseums, Nuremberg,<br />

18 February to 23 April 1989, ed. Hermann Maue and Sonja Brink (Passau, 1989), 11-23, and a detailed genealogical table<br />

of the family is provided on a fold-out page at the end of the volume.<br />

43 His nepotism is discussed in Alfred Schrocker, 'Die Heiratspolitik des Lothar Franz von Schonborn (1655-1729)', Mainzer<br />

Zeitschriji: Mittelrheinisches Jahrbuch fur Archaologie, Kunst und Geschichte, 71-2 (19767), 197-204; idem, 'Der<br />

Nepotismus des Lothar Franz von Schonbom', Zeitschrift fur bayerische Landesgeschichte, 43 (1980), 143-57; and idem,<br />

'Die Privatfinanzen des Lothar Franz von Schonbom (1655-1729), Geschichtliche Landeskunde, 21 (1980), 192-229.<br />

44 Friedhelm Jiirgensmeier, 'Dr. Gottfried Bessel im Dienste der Reichsgrafen von Schonborn', in Gottfried Bessel<br />

(1672-1749): Diplomat in Kurmainz, Abt von Gottweig, Wissenschafiler und Kunstmazen, ed. Franz Rudolf Reichert,<br />

Quellen und Abhandlungen zur mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte, 16 (Mainz, 1972), 26; Josef Friedrich Abert, 'Die<br />

Jugend- und Studienzeit der beiden Wiirzburger Bischofe Johann Philipp Franz und Friedrich Karl von Schonborn',<br />

Frankenland: Zllmtrierte Monatschrift, 1 (1914), 145-56; Andreas Steinhuber, Geschichte des Kollegium Germanikum<br />

Hungarikum in Rom (2nd edn, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1906), ii, 569; Peter Walter, 'Zur Ausbildung am Collegium<br />

Germanicum im 18. Jahrhundert: Reformvorschlage von zwei geistlichen Reichsfiirsten aus dem Hause Schonborn',<br />

Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archivcn und Biblio:heken, 61 (1981), 362-79. Abert, 148, reproduces a fine<br />

engraving that portrays J.P.F. as Bishop of Wurzburg (1719-24).<br />

45 Letter from J.P.F. to his mother, dated 29 July 1690, partly printed in Fritz Zobeley, Rudolf Franz Erwein, Graf von<br />

Schonborn (1677-1754) und seine Musikpflge, Neujahrsblatter herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fur Frankische<br />

Geschichte, 21 (Wiirzburg, 1949), 10-1 1.<br />


lege and its affiliated church, ~ant'~~ollinare?~ 'where on feast days the divine offices are celebrated<br />

with a great concourse of people, enticed by the exquisite music that is performed, and edified by the<br />

piety and devotion of the noble and well-bred youth' ('celebrandovi le feste li divini uffizij, con molto<br />

concorso di popolo, allettato dall'esquisita musica, che vi si mantiene, & edificato dalla pieta e<br />

divozione di questa nobile e si ben'allevata gi~ventu').~~ While in Rome, J.P.F. and Franz Erwein, the<br />

brothers most involved with music, made the acquaintance of Bernardo Pasquini, Arcangelo Corelli<br />

and Matteo Fornari (Corelli's a~sistant).~' When he returned to Germany, Franz Erwein took with<br />

him at least three recently published collections of trio sonatas:' and J.P.F. may well have done the<br />

same. When the latter was in Rome in summer 1708, Franz Erwein asked him to purchase 'cello,<br />

violin and theorbo strings.'' He may have purchased music as well, because seventeen Italian<br />

prints in his brother's collection bear the handwritten date 1708, apparently indicating the year of<br />

acq~isition.~'<br />

After their return to Germany in the mid-1690s, J.P.F. and Franz Erwein were often employed,<br />

as their father had been, as diplomats in the service of the elector-archbishop of Mainz. Baron J.P.F.<br />

thus represented Mainz at Paderborn in 1695, at Hanover and Dusseldorf in 1698 (where he may<br />

have met <strong>Steff</strong>ani and Pallavicini, respectively), and at Wurzburg in 1699-1700. He was appointed<br />

provost of St Bartholomew's Cathedral, Frankfurt, in 1700. His family was elevated to the rank of<br />

'Reichsgraf in 1701, so it was Count J.P.F. who represented Mainz at Wurzburg in 1702-3. In 1703<br />

he was elected provost of Wurzburg Cathedral, but his opponent contested the decision, so J.P.F.<br />

journeyed to Rome, where Clement XI sanctioned his election. Meanwhile, Franz Erwein married in<br />

1701 and became the count of Schonborn-Wiesentheid in 1704, while Friedrich Karl became imperial<br />

vice-chancellor upon the accession of Joseph I in 1705. When J.P.F. went to Rome in 1708, he<br />

attempted (in vain) to guarantee that the vice-chancellor would inherit the bishopric of Bamberg. He<br />

and hs brothers were in Frankfurt for the coronation of Charles V1 in 1711, and he was named<br />

provost of the cathedral chapter in Mainz in 1714.52 When he visited Vienna in October 1714 as<br />

a representative of the elector of Mainz, he was accompanied by 'a complete retinue of 11-12 per-<br />

sons and a travelling carriage or 6 galleys with noisy musical instruments. . . . His entire household,<br />

46 Pitoni served the college and church from 1686 until his death. See the biography by Girolamo Chiti, printed in Giuseppe<br />

Ottavio Pitoni. Notizia de' contrapuntisti e compositori di musica, ed. Cesarino Ruini, Studi e testi per la storia della musica,<br />

6 (Florence, 1988), 351-6.<br />

47 Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza, Operepie di Roma, descritte secondo 10 stato presente (Rome: Gio. Battista Bussotti, 1679), 237,<br />

revrinted in idem. Eusevolopio romano, overo delle opere pie di Roma, accresciuto & ampliato secondo 10 stato presente<br />

A<br />

(~ome: Giovanni Andreoli, 'i699), i, 236.<br />

48 See letters dated 1708-9, cited in Zobeley, RudolfFranz Erwein, 11, 19 and 29-30.<br />

49<br />

Fritz Zobeley, Die Musikalien der Grafen von Schonborn-Wiesentheid, Part 1: Das Repertoire des Grafen Rudolf Franz<br />

Erwein von Schonborn (1677-1754), Vol. 1: Drucke am den Jahren 1676 bis 1738 (Tutzing, 1967), nos. 26,44 and 139. Vol. 1<br />

catalogues 149 items of printed music - and vol. 2 lists 498 music manuscripts - that Franz Envein collected. His next<br />

acquisitions were three prints bought at Leyden in 16967 and seven at Paris in 1699: see Lowell <strong>Lindgren</strong>, 'Count Rudolf<br />

Franz Erwein von Schonborn (1677-1754) and the Italian Sonatas for Violoncello in his Collection at Wiesentheid', in<br />

Relazioni musicali tra Ztalia e Germania nell'etd barocca, Atti del V1 convegno internazionale sulla musica italiana nei secoli<br />

XVII-XVIII, Loveno di Menaggio (Como), 11-13 July 1995, ed. Alberto Colzani, Norbert Dubowy, Andrea Luppi and<br />

Maurizio Padoan (Como, 1997), 262-3.<br />

50 Zobeley, RudolfFranz Erwein, 19.<br />

51<br />

The seventeen dated 1708 are Zobeley, Schonborn- Wiesentheid, part l, vol. 1, nos. 1, 11, 14, 30, 38,42,63,78,95-7, 118 and<br />

121 (vocal works) and nos. 31, 126, 128 and 136 (instrumental works). Two more prints of music composed by Italians bear<br />

the handwritten date 1708, but they were published in Augsburg (no. 21) and Paris (no. 81). There are also three Italian<br />

prints (nos. 10,86 and 144) with the manuscript dates 1703,1705 and 1707, respectively.<br />

His diplomatic assignments are listed in Ludwig Bittner and Lothar GroB, eds, Repertorium der diplomatischen Vertreter<br />

aller Lander seit dem Westfiilischen Frieden (1648), 1: 1648-1715 (Oldenburg, 1936), 300-15, while his ecclesiastical<br />

appointments are discussed in Jurgensmeier, 'Bessel', 324, and 'Politische Ziele', 16-17. The marriage of his brother is discussed<br />

in Max Domarus, Rudolf Franz Erwein v. Schonborn, Graf und Herr zu Wiesentheid (1677-1754): Mensch, Kiinstler,<br />

Staatsmann (Gerolzhofen, 1954), 27-58, and the career of the vice-chancellor in Hugo Hantsch, Reichsvizekanzler Friedrich<br />

Karl, Graf von Schonborn (1674-1746), einige Kapitel zur politischen Geschichte Kaiser Josefs I. und Karls VZ., Salzburger<br />

Abhandlungen und Texte aus Wissenschaft und Kunst, 2 (Augsburg, 1929).

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