Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..


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on 14-16 April 1779. Thomas Bever (1725-91) bought Lots 152-3 (Cfm Mu MSS 31-2) at Boyce's<br />

sale for fourteen guineas. Bever bequeathed his collection to the musician John Hindle (1761-96),<br />

whose administratix disposed of it by auction on 7-8 June 1798, at Mr. White's, Storey's-gate,<br />

Westminster. The signature 'Fitzwilliam 1798' is on p. 1 of each manuscript, which signifies that the<br />

viscount purchased them at the BeverIHindle sale.lo3<br />

GB-DRc MS E. 15, pp. 48-54: 'Abbas Stephano, 5 voc., Sent to our Academy at ye Crown<br />

Tavern, 1726'. Largely in the hand of Sampson Estwick (c.16561739), one of the founders of the<br />

Academy, who was formerly in the Aldrich circle at O~ford.'~~ A later owner was John Dolben<br />

(1684-1726).'05 See GB-Lcm MS 1090, below.<br />

GB-Lam MS 32, pp. 283-98: headed 'Madrigale', with '<strong>Steff</strong>ani's Duettos' on the spine label. In<br />

the same 18th-century hand as GB-Lam MS 35; see (b), below. Signed by an owner, 'R.J.S. Stevens<br />

[l 757-1 8371, Charterhouse'.<br />

GB-Lam MS 39, pp. 90-7: 'Madrigale a 5 del Abbat <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. In the same 18th-century hand as<br />

Lam, MS 40; see (b), below. Signed by an owner, 'R.J.S. Stevens, Charterhouse, 1817'.'06<br />

GB-Lbl Mad. Soc. A. 22-7 (18): five partbooks, each headed 'Madrigale a 5 voci, Agostino<br />

<strong>Steff</strong>ani'. For Gettano i re, see A. 22 (canto [primo]), pp. 534; A. 23 (alto), 2 unnumbered pages;<br />

A. 24 (tenore), pp. 50-1; A. 25 (basso), pp. 57-9; A. 26 (bc), pp. 20-2; and A. 27 (quinto = canto secondo),<br />

pp. 268. This early 18th-century copy also (b), below.<br />

GB-Lbl Mad. Soc. C. 15, pp. 70-7: 'AgostnO <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. A late 18th-century copy, that includes the<br />

bookplate of ' ~ev~ John Parker' and (b), below.<br />

GB-Lbl RM 24. c. 16 (3), ff. lv-5v: 'Stefani'. In the same 18th-century hand as GB-Lbl Add. MSS<br />

5329-32, which include 96 duets by <strong>Steff</strong>ani and [Hawkins], Memoirs.<br />

GB-Lbl RM 24. h. 11, ff. 53v-58v: 'Abbas Stephano, Bishop of Spiega'. This manuscript was<br />

presumably copied-partly by John Travers (c. 1703-58)-for the Academy, c. 1726. It also includes<br />

(b), below.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 31409, ff. 8v-llv: 'Abbat. <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. Also includes (b), below. Signed by the<br />

copyist 'Home', i.e., Edmund Thomas Warren-Home (c.1730-94), and by an owner, 'James<br />

Bartleman' (1 769-1 821). The British Library purchased it in 1880-1 from Julian Marshall.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 31441, ff. 89-92: 'Madrigale a 5. voci, del Sig' Abbat <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. The manuscript<br />

was 'a Present from M Hamilton of Conduit Street, from the Collection of her Father, Mr Keble<br />

[John Keeble, c. 171 1-86], late Organist of St. George's, Hanover Square, April 7, 1787, [to] T[homas]<br />

B[ever]'. Below the bookplate of Thomas Bever LLD is inscribed 'Coll. Omn. Anim. Socius 1787'.<br />

Above the bookplate is the signature 'H. Sikes'. It is not known whether 'H. Sikes' was related to the<br />

collector Lady Mary Elizabeth ~ykes."~ The British Library purchased it in 1880-1 from Julian<br />

Marshall.<br />

'03 See MSS 31-2 in J[ohn] Apexander] Fuller Maitland and A[rthur] H[enry] Mann, Catalogue of the Music in the Fitzwilliam<br />

Museum, Cambridge (London, 1893), 12-13, and Richard Charteris, 'Thomas Bever and Rediscovered Sources in the<br />

Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek, Hamburg', Music & Letters, 81 (2000), 194-5. Charteris, 180-1, also discusses Bever's<br />

will, which provides otherwise unknown information concerning the dispersal of his library and thus supplements what The<br />

Gentleman's Magazine, 68 (1798), 517, relates about the BeverIHindle sale.<br />

l" See Margaret Crum, 'An Oxford Music Club, 1690-1719', The Bodleian Library Record, 9 (1974), 867.<br />

Io5 Donald Burrows, 'Sir John Dolben's Music Collection', Musical Times, 120 (1979), 150; see also Crosby, Catalogue, 66 and<br />

218, and <strong>Timms</strong>, '<strong>Steff</strong>ani and the Academy', 128. GB-DRc MS E. 15 was the principal source for the edition published as a<br />

supplement to <strong>Timms</strong>, '<strong>Steff</strong>ani and the Academy'.<br />

Io6 Stevens was a pupil of William Savage, whose library passed to his son, Reverend George Savage, vicar of Kingston<br />

(d. 13 July 1816), then to George's widow. In May 1817 Stevens spent much time sorting the library, and on 28 July 1817 he<br />

purchased it after paying the auctioneer White to 'fix a price for each musical item' (Mark Argent, ed., Recollections of<br />

RJ.S. Stevens, an Organist in Georgian London (Carbondale, IL, 1992), 209 and 212-13). Only one manuscript, GB-Lbl<br />

Add. MS 31499, which includes (b) below, bears the signatures of Savage and Stevens with the year 1817. Three other man-<br />

uscripts that Stevens signed and dated 1817, GB-Lam MSS 3840, which include (c), (a) and (b), respectively, were presum-<br />

ably purchased also from George Savage's widow.<br />

107 Her sale is described in King, Some British Collectors, 45,95 and 135.<br />

GB-Lcm MS 1090, ff. 16v-21: '<strong>Steff</strong>ani'. The first section of this manuscript is a copy of GB-DRc<br />

MS E. 15, listed above. Bookplates of Sir John Dolben and John Lucius Dampier, who presented it<br />

to the Sacred Harmonic ~ociety.'~~<br />

GB-Ob Mus. d. 102, pp. 195-204: 'Madrigale'. Signed by an owner, 'Phil. Hayes [1738-971, Dec.'<br />

1766'.<br />

(b) Qzii diligit Mariam (27 sources)<br />

B-BC D. 21 1, ff. 1-17v: 'Mottetto a cinque voci, del Sig' <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. Copied in the 19th century.<br />

B-BC XY. 15018, f. 181. Copied in the 19th century by Car1 Dreher, who included only section 2,<br />

the duet 'Non pavescat lethales horrores'.<br />

GB-Cfm Mu MS 31, pp. 13651: 'Motet a 5 voci col organo, del Sig. <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. Also includes (a),<br />

above, where the copyist and owners are identified. 'Mariam' is replaced by 'Filium'.<br />

GB-Cfm Mu MS 43, part 2, pp. 1-17. Copied c. 1730.<br />

GB-Cfm Mu MS 160 (1-7): seven four-page partbooks, each headed 'Madrigale a 5 del Sig.<br />

<strong>Steff</strong>ani'. Copied in the mid-18th-century. The seven include duplicate copies for A, T and bc, and<br />

one for B.<br />

GB-Lam MS 35, ff. 55-69v: the only heading is '<strong>Steff</strong>ani's Mottets. Vol. 1' on the cover label. In<br />

the same 18th-century hand as Lam, MS 32; see (a), above. Signed by an owner, 'R.J.S. Stevens'.<br />

GB-Lam MS 40, pp. 108-21: 'Madrigale a 5 del Sig" <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. In the same 18th-century hand as<br />

Lam, MS 39; see (a), above. Signed by an owner, 'R.J.S. Stevens, Charterhouse, 1817'.<br />

GB-Lbl Mad. Soc. A. 22-7 (3): each of the five partbooks is headed 'del Sig' <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. For Qui<br />

diligit, see A. 22 (canto [primo]), pp. 11-17; A. 23 (alto), pp. 12-18; A. 24 (tenore), pp. 12-18; A. 25<br />

(basso), pp. 11-28; A. 26 (bc), pp. 5-12, and A. 27 (quinto = canto secondo). This early 18th-century<br />

copy also includes (a), above.<br />

GB-Lbl Mad. Soc. C. 15, pp. 78-96: 'A. <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. A late 18th-century copy that includes the<br />

bookplate of ' ~ev~ John Parker' and (a), above.<br />

GB-Lbl RM 24. h. 11, ff. 59-67: 'Abbas Stephano, Bishop of Spiega'. See (a), above, for<br />

identification of one copyist and the date of copying. 'Mariam' is replaced by 'Christum'.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 5054, ff. 8v-18: 'Agostino <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. Copied before 1760.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 14395, ff. 77-9v. Copied after 1831.<br />

GB-LbI Add. MS 31 120, ff. 1068. A transcription for organ of three sections-'Qui diligit', 'Non<br />

pavescat' and 'Haec potest'-which were apparently copied for or from Vincent Novel10 (1781-1861),<br />

Select Organ Pieces, from the Masses, Motetts and Other Sacred works of Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven,<br />

Cherubini, Hummel, Palestrina, Carissimi, Clari, <strong>Steff</strong>ani, Leo, Durante, Jomelli, Pergolesi, and Other<br />

Classical Composers of the German h Italian Schools (London, c. 1835?), i, 84-7.'09 Novello's source<br />

was 'a M. S. in the possession of the Editor', presumably Add. MS 31477, listed below. He noted that<br />

'the motet Qui diligit . . . is generally considered as one of the very finest of all his [<strong>Steff</strong>ani's]<br />

Compositions, the principal characteristics of which are a grandeur & severity of style in the<br />

melodies, profound science in the harmonies, and masterly skill in the construction of the most ingenious<br />

and elaborate counterpoint'.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 31409, ff. 12-38v: 'Abbate <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. See (a), above, for identification of the<br />

copyist and two owners.<br />

GB-Lbl Add. MS 31477, ff. 3-9: 'Mottet a 5, del Sigr <strong>Steff</strong>ani'. The manuscript is 'in the handwriting<br />

of the Rev. Mr. W. Gostling, Minor Canon of Canterbury', who provided its title-page:<br />

'Motetti Sacri Diversorum insignium Autorum Centuriae 17"". N.B. This is an exact Duplicate in<br />

every particular with one from M' Keebles Collection' (which is not known to be extant). In a long<br />

108 Burrows, 'Dolben's Music Collection', 150, and William Henry Husk, Catalogue of the Library of the Sacred Harmonic<br />

Society (2nd edn, London, 1872), no. 1941.<br />

Io9 An earlier keyboard transcription, which includes <strong>Steff</strong>ani's entire motet, is found in William Crotch (1775-1847),<br />

Specimens of Various Styles of Music, Referred to in a Course of Lectures, Read at Oxford & London, and Adapted to Keyed<br />

Instruments (3rd edn, London, [c. 1808-c. 1815]), ii, 98-104 (no. 103).

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