Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..


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instead to those composed by a 'personaggio', 'gran virtuoso' or 'l'autore' (in letters D, E and G,<br />

respectively), it seems likely that <strong>Steff</strong>ani had 'disowned' these 'deliti della mia gioventu' (see letter C)<br />

by attributing them to Gregorio Piva (see no. 1, below).<br />

F. Schonborn to <strong>Steff</strong>ani Rottenbuch, 20 September 1720 [Friday]<br />

. . . The small box containing duets, which I hear is now on its way, will give me great<br />

pleasure when I return [to Wiirzburg] from these woods, where I am amusing myself by<br />

hunting deer. I await them therefore with no less impatience than the others which, by your<br />

goodness, are to follow, since I confess that music is one of the greatest relaxations that I take<br />

from the very tiring responsibilities of my government.<br />

Your most illustrious lordship will oblige me much more by procuring the two voices, a<br />

soprano and an alto, that are lacking from my chapel choir. I will tell you what I have decided<br />

to spend in order to have them. First of all, I declare that I could not agree to grant either of<br />

them permission from time to time to make a tour in England or anywhere else in order to<br />

stay there during the winter, since this is precisely the season when I have the most time and<br />

opportunity to amuse myself with music. I do not lack occupations or pastimes during the<br />

other seasons, when I do not normally remain in the city. Thus I favour the other idea, kindly<br />

suggested by your m. i. lordship, of allowing them to hope for a benefice; an opportune<br />

vacancy should not take long to present itself, since I have many benefices at my disposal.<br />

Apart from that, I have decided to give each of them four to five hundred dollars per annum,<br />

from which they would pay for board and lodging. The latter is not expensive, there being<br />

good quarters in Wiirzburg for twenty to thirty dollars [a year], sometimes even for half that<br />

amount; likewise, they themselves can procure food cheaply, and in this way they will be able<br />

to suit their own taste and inclination. I know that this offer is fairly mediocre in comparison<br />

with what similar virtuosos demand, and yet there are some who prefer a small, guaranteed<br />

salary, with the security of a constant, established post, to the promise of a larger salary that<br />

is not paid punctually and where they are subject to various changes . . ..<br />

I almost forgot to mention that I should be grateful if your m. i. lordship also found a<br />

way to procure for me a good bass-though this is rather less important, because it would<br />

not be difficult for me to find a bass, even in this region. I am more concerned to acquire the<br />

two aforesaid voices, for which I immediately seek your kind assistance. I was told some time<br />

ago of an alto at the court of Kassel who intended to leave there, but since I have heard<br />

nothing about this for many months it will be necessary to look elsewhere for what I need<br />

. . ..<br />

P. S. It must be borne in mind that the two singers in question should not be too<br />

advanced in years.<br />

. . . La cascettina coi duetti, che sento istradata a questa volta, mi sara di gran dilettamento doppo il mio<br />

ritorno da questi boschi, dove sto divertendomi colla caccia de' cervi. L'aspetto dunque con impazienza<br />

non meno che gli altri che per Sua bonta seguiteranno, confessandoLe che la musica b uno de' piu grandi<br />

sollievi che mi piglio dalle cure assai fatiganti del mio governo.<br />

Tanto piu m'oblighera Vostra Signoria Illustrissima col procurarmi le due voci di soprano e<br />

contr'alto, delle quali manca la mia capella. Dirb quel che ho destinato di spendere per averle. In primo<br />

luogho mi dichiaro che non potrei risolvermi di conceder all'un od all'altro la facolta di far quando in<br />

quando un giro in Inghilterra od altrove per soggiornani un inverno, poich6 questa b giusto la stagione<br />

nella quale ho piu tempo e commodita di divertirmi colla musica, non mancandomi occupazioni e<br />

passatempi nel resto delle stagioni, nelle quali non soglio star per ordinario in cita. Cosi piu gradisco<br />

l'altro progetto, che V.a S.a Ill."" si compiace di suggerirmi, di fargli sperar qualche beneficio, del che<br />

non potra tardare a presentarsi l'occasione e vacatura, perch6 assai ne tengho a mia disposizione.<br />

Oltre di cio mi risolvero di dar ogni anno quatro in cinque cento taleri per uno, compresovi la tavola e<br />

l'alloggiamento, che non costa caro, trovandosi a Erbipoli un buon quartiero per venti in trenta taleri,<br />

anzi tal volta per la met$; la tavola parimente da procurarsi da loro stessi puol aversi a buon mercato, ed<br />

in tal guisa potranno accommodarsi a1 gusto e genio loro. So esser assai mediocre questa offerta per quel<br />

che simil gente virtuosa suol pretendere, ma pur ve ne sono che piu gradiscono un salario piccolo e certo,<br />

colla speranza sicura del costante suo stabilimento, che la promessa d'un soldo piu grande che non si<br />

piaga pontualmente, e dove stanno soggetti a varie mutazioni . . ..<br />

. . . Mi scordavo quasi di far menzione che mi sarebbe grato se V.a S.a Ill."" avesse anche il mezzo<br />

di procurarmi un buon basso; ma in quanto a questo, non tanto m'importa, perch6 non mi sara difficile di<br />

aver10 ancora in queste parti. Piu mi preme d'esser provisto delle due voci sudette, per le quali ricerco<br />

istantemente la Sua favorevole assistenza. Mi si par10 tempo fa d'un contr'alto che si trovasse alla corte<br />

di Hassia Cassel ed havesse disegno di ritirarsene, ma come da molti mesi non piu ne sento niente,<br />

bisognera cercar altrove quel che desidera . . ..<br />

P. S. Sara necessario di riflettere che li due musici menzionati non siano d'un eta troppo avanzata.<br />

I-Rscge Fondo Spiga, vol. 29. Rottenbuch was an Augustinian monastery near Weilheim in upper<br />

Bavaria. Schonborn's 'assai mediocre' offer of 500 dollars a year may be compared with the offer<br />

of 1,000 dollars made to Margherita Durastanti at Munich in 1721; she declined it, because she<br />

wanted 2,000 (see no. 22, below). This may be one of the Schonborn letters that <strong>Steff</strong>ani showed<br />

to Riva (see letter E, above, and no. 4, below).<br />

G. Schonborn to <strong>Steff</strong>ani<br />

Wiirzburg, 26 October 1720 [Saturday]<br />

For many weeks I have, for the most part, been out of town, and this is why I have not until<br />

now either acknowledged the arrival of the expected small box from your most illustrious<br />

lordship or answered your last, most esteemed letter. The duets are in the finest of taste: the<br />

greater the pleasure they give me, the more I venerate the composer who created them . . ..<br />

With regard to the two singers, I thank you for the frankness with which you reveal your<br />

sentiments; nor shall I fail to express mine with similar candour, for I believe that this is the<br />

proper way for good friends to deal with one another. I do not deny, as your m. i. lordship<br />

indicates, that the salary of 500 dollars is rather mediocre when compared with what they<br />

[castratos] usually receive. But sometimes the certainty of payment, the hope that some<br />

benefice will be obtained in time, and other factors will cause them to prefer an appointment<br />

that seems in other ways unfavourable. Ultimately, however, if all else fails, I will not find it<br />

difficult to add about 50 florins for lodging, since I do not have the facility to provide this in<br />

kind. If they conduct themselves discreetly and reasonably, I could also gradually augment<br />

the stated salary by adding some wheat and wine . . ..<br />

P. S. The expenses for the copying [of the duets], for the transport of the small box and<br />

for other similar things I will gladly pay, as soon as your m. i. lordship sends me the details.<br />

Da molte settimane in qua io sono per il piu stato fuori di citti, e questa b la causa che fin adesso non<br />

solamente non awanzai a Vostra Signoria Illustrissima la notizia dell'amvo della consaputa cassettina,<br />

ma che ritardai ancora la risposta all'ultima Sua stimatissima lettera. Li dueti sono di gusto finissimo, ed<br />

a me di tanto maggior dilettamento, quanto piu venero l'autore da cui provenghono . . ..<br />

Toccante li due musici, La ringrazio della franchezza colla quale mi palesa li Suoi sentimenti, ne<br />

mancherb di spiegharLe parimente i miei con ingenuiti, stimando questa la piu giusta maniera di trattare

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