Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..


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I am somewhat perplexed that I have not received the replies that should have arrived in<br />

my hands by the 7th of the current month in order to prevent the first of the aforementioned<br />

virtuosos from returning to Italy.<br />

I also wonder why I have not seen here any report of the arrival of Durastanti, and am,<br />

furthermore, made anxious by seeing Salvai uncertain of the promises offered her by the<br />

contract that your m. i. lordship was pleased to draw up for her.<br />

All these circumstances justify the frankness with which I request some news concerning<br />

the aforementioned envelope. Nor am I less eager for the continuation of your greatly<br />

esteemed grace, while I am ever more . . ..<br />

Sara~o da cinque settimane che da Senesino nostro fu trasmesso a Vostra Signoria Illustrissima un<br />

piego con quel tanto ch'Ella giudicava necessario per poter ultimare il di lui accord0 con cotesta Real<br />

Accademia di Musica. Con la medesima occasione io Le mandai le risoluzioni di Berselli uniformi a cib<br />

che in di Lei nome gli era stato da me proposto.<br />

Mi tiene in qualche perplessita il non riceverne quei riscontri che doveano capitare in mie mani per<br />

farli tenere a1 primo de' virtuosi suddetti partiti di conserva alla volta d'Italia fin0 dal7. del corrente.<br />

Meraviglia insieme mi [p. 21 reca, che non s'abbia qui avviso alcuno dell'arrivo della Signora<br />

Durastanti, e mi aggiunge sollecitudine il vedere la Signora Salvai incerta di quello che possa promettersi<br />

dal trattato che V. S. Ill."" si compiaciuta d'intavolare per essa.<br />

Giustifichino tutti questi motivi la confidenza che prendo di domandarLe qualche nuova del piego<br />

accennato; nC mi creda men premuroso della continuazione della stimatissima Sua grazia, mentre sono<br />

sempre piu . . ..<br />

Francesco Bernardi (c.1680-c.January 1759), called Senesino, received an annual salary of<br />

6,650-7,000 dollars in Dresden, 1717-20 (Prolss, Dresden, 12811, and Fiirstenau, Dresden, ii, 10511).<br />

Handel heard him there, and he sang for seven seasons with the Royal Academy, i.e., during all but<br />

its first spring season (Winton Dean, in New Grove 2, xxiii, 78-9, and Highfill, Biographical<br />

Dictionary, xiii, 249-55). One singer who-like Senesin-was employed at Dresden in 1717-20,<br />

then at the Royal Academy in 1720-8, is not mentioned in Pallavicini's letters to Riva. This is the<br />

bass Giuseppe Maria Boschi (P. 1698-1744), whose annual salary at Dresden was 3,325-3,500 dollars<br />

(Prolss, Dresden, 12811, and Fiirstenau, Dresden, ii, 105n). He had already sung at the London opera<br />

house (in 1710-11) and was the only new recruit in 1720 to have done so (Winton Dean, in New<br />

Grove 2, iv, 50, and Highfill, Biographical Dictionary, ii, 23940).<br />

N. Pallavicini to Riva Dresden, 24 April 1720 [Wednesday]<br />

Having been favoured by your most illustrious lordship's most esteemed letter of the 9th, I<br />

did not fail to send your enclosure promptly to Senesino, who continues to travel with<br />

difficulty because of the bad weather that he has encountered. What you tell me of the<br />

problems that have arisen since the conclusion of the agreement tallies with the news written<br />

by Handel to one of his correspondents here, from which-although it is based partly on<br />

suspicion-we have concluded that the Academy is divided by a kind of schism.<br />

I thank your m. i. lordship for your advice concerning Salvai, with which she will be able<br />

to proceed more confidently.<br />

And it gave me infinite pleasure to have news of our Casimiro [Avelloni]; your<br />

description of his manner of speaking and gesturing was vivid and virtually life-like. I must<br />

surely have provoked great curses from his wife [Durastanti] for having been one of those<br />

who counselled her to take the road for Holland.<br />


I await letters from the first [Senesino or Avelloni] and an opportunity of obeying your<br />

m. i. lordship in order to please you, since I am . . ..<br />

Favorito da Vostra Signoria Illustrissima colla stimatissima sua carta de' 9. non ho mancato d'indrizzare<br />

prontamente l'inchiusami a1 Signor Senesino, il quale proseguiva con fatica il suo viaggio mercL? il<br />

pessimo tempo che gli L? toccato. Ci6 ch'Ella mi accenna delle difficolta insorte dopo la conclusion del<br />

negozio confronta colle nuove scritte qua da Monsieur Hendel ad un suo corrispondente, dalle quali<br />

sebbene in parte sospette veniva a comprendersi esservi nell'Accademia una specie [p. 21 di scisma.<br />

Rendo grazie a V. S. Ill."" di cio che mi ha awisato intorno alla Signora Salvai, con che potra<br />

questa prendere piu accertate misure. Mi ha dato poi gusto infinito il sentir nuove del nostro Signor<br />

Casimiro; e la circostanza del suo parlare, e del suo gesto me 10 ha dipinto vivo, vivo. Gran maladizioni<br />

mi saro attirato io dalla moglie per essere stato uno di quelli che l'anno consigliata di far la strada<br />

d'olanda. Attendo lettere del primo e qualche occasione d'ubbidire V. S. Ill."" per cornpiacarLe, che<br />

Sono . . ..<br />

Casimiro Avelloni, the husband of Durastanti, may have been a Neapolitan nobleman. Four letters<br />

by him, and twenty-three that discuss or mention him, are in Zamboni's correspondence (<strong>Lindgren</strong>,<br />

'Zamboni', 187, S. v. Avelloni). He was often involved in business negotiations, and some of his deal-<br />

ings appear to have been unsavoury.<br />

0. Pallavicini to Riva<br />

Dresden, 7 August 1720 Wednesday]<br />

If the newsletter from Holland can be trusted, your most illustrious lordship has followed the<br />

king [George I] to Germany. I am sending the present [letter] to ascertain whether this is<br />

correct and also to learn whether, by chance, our Don Casimiro took advantage of this<br />

opportunity to send me a certain small box, since I have not heard a word from him since his<br />

letter of 3 June, in which I enjoyed the honour of a most delicious postscript from your m. i.<br />

lordship. I imagine that he is in the country in the company of his wife [Durastanti], who<br />

does not like to let him out of her sight.<br />

Senesino and Berselli must now be on their way, and your m. i. lordship will have more<br />

reliable information about them from Modena, through which the first was intending to<br />

travel. They will not be pleased to hear that you are on this side of the channel and that they<br />

will not find you in London when they arrive.<br />

Those news items that we receive from there now and then refer to a certain Monsieur de<br />

L'Orme, who was formerly a minister at this court.<br />

I await news from your m. i. lordship, who I hope will be able to tell me of the prosperous<br />

health and good humour in which you will have found our friend Abbot Mauro. I<br />

continue to laugh about the wig of that N[oble] M[an], and continue even more to have a<br />

most particular deference . . ..<br />

Se il gazzettiere d'Olanda merita fede, Vostra Signoria Illustrissima ha seguitato il re in Alemagna. Mi<br />

sia lecito d'azzardar la presente per accertarmene; come anche d'informarmi, se per sorte il nostro Don<br />

Casimiro si fosse prevalto di questa occasione per ispedirmi certa cassetta, giacchC da una lettera de' 3 di<br />

giugno in qua, nella quale godei l'onore d'un deliziosissimo P. S. di V. S. Ill."", non ho piu veduto parola<br />

di lui. Me10 figuro alla campagna a tener compagnia alla moglie, [p. 21 che non ama perderlo di vista.<br />

Devono a quest'ora essere in viaggio Senesino e Berselli, e V. S. Ill."" ne avra piu certo riscontro da<br />

Modena per dove il primo era intenzionato di passare. Non piacera loro il sentirLa di qua dal mare, e il<br />

non doverLa a1 loro arrivo trovare in Londra.

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