Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..

Timms Lindgren Steff..


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sung by the two heroes Senesino and Berselli. You cannot imagine the pleasure the king<br />

derived from this offering, nor the love with which Bononcini prepared it.<br />

Handel has restaged an opera [I1 Radamisto] that made a great splash last year (in the<br />

land of the blind, blessed are the one-eyed), hoping thereby to crush Bononcini's into the<br />

ground, but on the third evening the theatre was empty and the performance had to be<br />

cancelled.<br />

A friend, who has just this minute arrived at my abode, assures me that another nine<br />

directors of the company have been arrested and that at least six million will be recovered<br />

from them all. That's all I have time for.<br />

I remain with the usual deference,<br />

Your most humble and most faithful servant,<br />

Riva<br />

Convey to Bossis a checkmate of compliments.<br />

Please turn over<br />

P. S. Little can be done to find any suitable [musicians] in Italy for [Count Schonborn]<br />

the prince of Wiirzburg. The good ones do not want to know about it, and the bad ones<br />

would not please his most reverend highness. The friend that I have employed in this quest<br />

has not, however, entirely let me down, and in two or three weeks I shall have some news<br />

worth communicating to your most illustrious lordship . . ..<br />

[f. 141 Mi trovo in questa settirnana onorato di due riveritissimi di Lei fogli, uno delli 17 e i'altro delli 24<br />

gennaro passato, amendue arrivati nello stesso tempo, perch6 il medesimo vento li ha portati d'olanda. Vi<br />

rispondo subito ed in que' termini ch'Ella vuole. Scrivero a Monsieur le Bkgue per l'affare consaputo . . ..<br />

Qui gli affari della Compagnia del Sud, che sino i maggiori che possa mai avere questo regno,<br />

trattandosi di rimettere il credito e I'interesse pubblico intieramente rovinato, occupano i ministri . . ..<br />

[f. 14v] Del resto, si L! cominciata una rigorosa inquisizione contro i 32 direttori della Compagnia del Sud,<br />

7 de' quali sono gia in gabbia, e sono i piu ricchi, e bench6 il tesoriere di essa compagnia si sia salvato<br />

fuori del regno, cib nonostante si fa conto che si cavera da costoro cinque millioni in circa di sterline che<br />

hanno guadagnato nella cattiva amministrazione de' fondi pubblici, che serviranno a medicare la gran<br />

piaga. Grazie a Dio non perdo un soldo.<br />

Ho portato le grazie a1 Signor Bononcino, che si degna di fargli. Egli vi corrisponde con infinita<br />

venerazione, e dice che si far& gloria di senire alle produzioni musicali del Piva, che stima tanto. Ed il<br />

caso ha portato che si metta in possesso di questa prerogativa, perch'essendo egli una sera da [f. 151<br />

Mademoiselle Scheulembourg, nipote della duchessa di Kandall, il re gli mando a far vedere un principio<br />

d'una pastorale, e ne riconobbe la mano; e siccome Madama di Kilmansegg diede una musica a1 re nel<br />

suo quarto privatissima regolata dal suo servidor Brighella, che son' io, cosi pensammo di sorprendere<br />

agreablement Sua Maestti con detta pastorale, onde Bononcino ne fece cavar gl'instrumenti; e fu cantata<br />

da i due bravi, Senesino e Berselli. Non pub Ella credere che gusto ebbe il re di questa finezza, e con che<br />

amore Bononcino I'assiste.<br />

Hendel ha rimessa sul teatro un'opera che I'anno passato fece gran fracasso (in terra di ciechi, beati<br />

monoculi), credendo di butare in terra quella di Bononcino, ma la terza sera fu scena vuota, onde bisogno<br />

disdirsi.<br />

Un amico arriva in questo punto da me, e mi assicura che altri 9 direttori della compagnia sono stati<br />

arrestati, e che da costoro tutti almeno 6 millioni ne tireranno. Non ho tempo per piu. Sono col solito<br />

ossequio,<br />

I1 Suo umilissimo e fedelissimo servitore,<br />

Riva<br />


A1 Signor Bosis uno scacco matto di complimenti.<br />

Ella volti<br />

[f. 15v: P. S.] Poco da fare vi L! per trovar cosa a proposito in Italia per il principe di Wirtzburg. I<br />

buoni non ne vogliono saper niente, ed i cativi non piacerebbero a Sua Altezza Reverendissima. L'amico<br />

che ho impiegato in quest'affare non mi dispera perb totalmente, e fra due o tre settimane avrd qualche<br />

notizia che comunichero a Vostra Signoria Illustrissima . . ..<br />

The Italian text of paragraphs 3-5 was printed in <strong>Timms</strong> 'Music and Musicians', 32. In the first<br />

omitted passage Riva states that his letter may not have reached le B6gue, since the latter may already<br />

have left for Paris, then for the Congress of Cambrai (1722-5), where he was to act as a plenipotentiary.<br />

In the second omission, Riva conjectures that England will make a poor showing at the opening of the<br />

congress, then reports that Pozobueno, the Spanish minister, has presented secret proposals for the<br />

restitution of Gibraltar, but that Parliament is in no mood to consider them at present. Jacinto de<br />

Pozobueno represented Spain in Great Britain from December 1720 until January 1727 (Hausmann,<br />

Repertorium, 388). Knight (1675-1744) absconded on January 1/12 (John Carswell, The South Sea<br />

Bubble (London, 1960), 281 and 309). The so-called niece of the duchess of Kendal may have been<br />

Petronilla Melusine; she and her two sisters were daughters (rather than nieces) of the duchess and the<br />

king (Hatton, George 1, 51-2). The private performance of a pastoral that featured two castrati was<br />

presented by the king's half-sister, Sophie Charlotte, Baroness Kielmansegg (1675-1725). In a<br />

letter of 31 January 1721 to the duke of Modena (cited in Gibson, Royal Academy, 142 note 104), Riva<br />

named Wednesday 29 January as the date of performance and described the occasion as 'un'accademia<br />

di musica privatissima' attended by 'il re solo' ('the king alone'), who was 'contentissima' with the<br />

'divertimento' that Riva had 'regolato' ('organized'). <strong>Steff</strong>ani could not identify this work (see no. 6,<br />

below), and neither can we. It is unlikely to have been his one-act opera Baccanali (Hanover, 1695),<br />

which calls for a large cast. Another unlikely possibility is Luigi Mancia's La costanza nelle selve<br />

(Hanover, 1697), of which the scores are designated 'pastoralle' (GB-Lbl RM 23. g. 23, p. 178) and<br />

'favola pastorale' (GB-Lbl RM 23. h. 1); this is also the only work designated 'favola pastorale' in a<br />

handwritten inventory of musico-dramatic events in Hanover, 1679-97 (Philip Keppler, 'Agostino<br />

<strong>Steff</strong>ani's Hannover Operas and a Rediscovered Catalogue', in Studies in Music History: Essays for<br />

Oliver Strunk, ed. Harold Powers (Princeton, 1968), 341-54). Only the titles of two other possibilities-<br />

which may have been texts set to music-are known: 'Teleso in Tussia, favola pastorale. 4O' and 'La<br />

pastorale mascherata. 4"' (see Peggy Daub, 'Queen Caroline of England's Music Library', in Music<br />

Publishing & Collecting: Essays in Honor of Donald W. Krummel, ed. David Hunter (Urbana-<br />

Champaign, IL, 1994), 153 (no. 56) and 155 (no. 74)). Bononcini's respect for <strong>Steff</strong>ani's works had<br />

been conveyed to him two decades earlier by Sophie Charlotte, queen of Prussia. In a letter of 25 July<br />

1702 she implied that she served as accompanist whenever she 'asked Bononcini and Attilio [Ariosti] to<br />

sing them, because no one else performs them in the correct taste, and they are always full of admira-<br />

tion for him who composed them' ('Je les fais chanter a Bononcini et Atilio, car les autres ne les dissent<br />

pas dans le vrai gout et ils sont dans l'admiration toutes les fois pour celui qui les a composes':<br />

D-HVsa Cal. Br. 23c, Nr. 85, f. 38; cf. Richard Doebner, ed., Briefe der Konigin Sophie Charlotte von<br />

Preussen und der Kurfiirstin Sophie von Hannover an hannoversche Diplomaten, Publicationen aus den K.<br />

preussischen Staatsarchiven, 79 (Leipzig, 1905), 79, and <strong>Timms</strong>, Polymath, 75-80). Between 28<br />

December 1720 and 28 January 1721, Handel's revised I1 Radamisto and Bononcini's L'Astarto were<br />

each scheduled for five performances (Avery, London Stage, 605-12). I1 Radamisto was scheduled for 28<br />

and 31 December, then for 4,21 and 25 January. No other source known to us tells of its dismal recep-<br />

tion or of the cancellation of its performance on 4 January 1721, after which L'Astarto was revived. <br />

The amusing references to chess, and especially to checkmate, in this and later letters hark back to the<br />

many games that Riva must have played with Bossis during his stays in Hanover in 1719 and 1720.

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