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ejected it --- on the ground that no Hindu (polytheist) could possibly enter the<br />

spirit of a monotheistic Muslim poet!<br />

It was this stupidity and ignorance of many mullahs that roused Shah and Sachal,<br />

the two greatest poets of Sindh, to denounce them in no uncertain terms. Said<br />

Shah: “Don’t call the mullahs: they are stooges. They would barter pearls for a<br />

pot of flesh. . . With open eyes they would dive in a sea of sand.” (Sujani Allah,<br />

tubbi dinaoon dhoor mein.)<br />

Sachal had only one solution for the unreasonable mullahs. “Beat the mullah on<br />

his head” (“Kutt mian ji thorh”). G.M. Syed now has suggested a legal ban on<br />

mullahs issuing fatwas, doing communal propaganda, or taking part in politics.<br />

The progress of the Hindus during the British rule was dramatic. To begin with,<br />

the upper castes of Brahmins, Banias and Kayasthas had remained Hindu, only<br />

landlords, peasants, artisans, soldiers had become Muslim. So the earlier caste<br />

differentiation was now compounded by creedal differentiation. With<br />

modernization, the caste-community difference was reinforced by class<br />

differentiation. The fact that the “higher” caste-class Hindu was also urban, only<br />

further heightened the difference --- and widened the gulf. This irked many<br />

Muslims. Leaving aside the mullahs, who were congenitally anti-Hindu, even<br />

Khuhro once said: “Today Muslim women are washing. dishes in Hindu homes.<br />

I look for the day when Hindu women will be washing dishes in Muslim<br />

homes.” But G.M. Syed, after his experience in the Muslim League --- which<br />

made him sadder but wiser said: “Why blame the Hindus for Muslim<br />

backwardness? Every morning when the Hindu child takes his bath and goes to<br />

school, the unwashed Muslim child is seen playing marbles in the dirty by-lane.”<br />

Syed once even suggested that all government jobs should be given only to the<br />

Amils; he found them so good.<br />

While Premier Allah Bux was positively nationalist, even Premier Sir Ghulam<br />

Hussian Hidayatullah was non-communal. He was the son of Duhlanomal of<br />

Shikarpur, who had married Hur Bibi, a Pathan girl. The two wanted to live in<br />

peace, but the shortsighted Hindu society would not let them. They, therefore,<br />

shifted to the holy peace of Hardwar. After some time, however, the pull of the<br />

home-town brought them back to Shikarpur, But once again the Hindu society<br />

would not let them live in peace. Duhlanomal, therefore, became Muslim --- to<br />

escape the Hindu taunts.<br />

Although Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto made himself infamous as Dewan of Junagadh<br />

in 1947, when that state acceded to Pakistan, he had never been communal in<br />

Sindh. Indeed the communalists thought him so much pro-Hindu that they used<br />

to say he must have been fathered by a Hindu. While this statement seems<br />

The Sindh Story; Copyright © www.panhwar.com<br />


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