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4.16.<br />


Titlu RO Orteza “HAM DE TONIFIERE”<br />

Authors Marius Neculaes, Marin Chirazi, Andrei Adumitroaie<br />

Institution<br />

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University <strong>Iasi</strong>,<br />

Faculty of Sports and Physical Education<br />

Patent no. Pending<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

4.17.<br />

Title EN<br />

Is meant to tone the back muscles by adopting a correct active<br />

posture through the voluntary contraction of the muscles, taking<br />

place in the back. This contraction occurs because of the discomfort<br />

created at the paravertebral level by the rear piece of the orthosis,<br />

making the patient voluntarily contract the back muscles. This leads<br />

to the active correction of the wrong position of the spine.<br />

Indications regarding the orthosis: Kyphotic attitudes of the spine,<br />

Muscle hypotonia of the back, Creating a correct body attitude<br />

reflex, etc.<br />

Este conceputa pentru a tonifia musculatura spatelui prin<br />

adoptarea unei posturi active corecte, prin contractia musculara<br />

voluntara ce are loc la nivelul spatelui . Aceasta contractie are loc<br />

in urma disconfortului creat la nivel paravertebral de catre piesa<br />

posterioara a ortezi care il obliga pe pacient sa contracte voluntar<br />

musculatura spatelui. Acest lucru duce la corectarea activa a<br />

pozitiei gresite a coloanei vertebrale.<br />

Indicatiile ortezei: Atitudini cifotice ale coloanei vertebrale,<br />

Hipotonii musculare la nivelul spatelui, Crearea unui refex de<br />

atitudine corporala corecta, etc.<br />

New biomedical methods and techniques for investigation,<br />

diagnosis and non-invasive monitorization using<br />

nonionogenic electromagnetic radiation<br />

Noi metode şi tehnici biometicale de investigare, diagnoză şi<br />

Titlu RO monitorizare neinvazivă utilizând radiaţii electromagnetice<br />

neionogene.<br />

Authors Octavian Baltag<br />

Institution National Institute of Inventics, <strong>Iasi</strong>, Romania<br />

Patent no. Pending<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

The project proposes the development of new non-invasive<br />

methods and techniques which use electromagnetic radiation<br />

of low energy, non-ionising to the investigation of alive<br />

materia, using in this case, some specific proprieties of the<br />


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