RN A S - State Law Publisher

RN A S - State Law Publisher

RN A S - State Law Publisher


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OCTonEst 13, 1922.1 GOVE<strong>RN</strong>MENT GAZE. E, \V. A. 1931.<br />

_<br />


Corrigta Road Board.<br />

Re-division, into Wards.<br />

Notice of intention.<br />

Department of Works and Trading Concerns,<br />

P.W. 136/21. Perth, September, 1922.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that it<br />

is the intention of His Excellency the Administrator,<br />

under the provisions of The Road Districts Act,<br />

1919," to re-divide the Corrigin Road District into six<br />

Wanifs, with the names and boundaries and the number<br />

of members to represent each Ward as defined and<br />

allocated in the Schedule hereto.<br />

Plans showing the proposed re-division may be seen<br />

at the Local Government Office, Public Works Department,<br />

Perth.<br />

H. -W. STANLEY-LOW,<br />

Acting Under Secretary for Works and<br />

Trading Concerns.<br />


Description of IV ((id Bottoduries.<br />

ZCttnjin Ward.--Bounded on the Northward by part<br />

of the District boundary from the North-East corner of<br />

Avon Location 16097 to inters-et t the South-Western<br />

side of the Rabbit-proof Fence.<br />

On the North-Eastward and Eastward by lines extending<br />

South-Eastward and Southward along the<br />

South-Western and Western side of the Rabbit-proof<br />

Fence from the aforesaid intersection to intersect the<br />

production East of the South boundary of Kunjin<br />

A.A. Lot 17.<br />

On the Southward by lines commencing at the latter<br />

intersection and extending Westward along the South<br />

boundary of said Lot 17, the North-East and North-<br />

West boundaries of Lot 19, a North-Western, a West,<br />

and again a North-Western boundary of Lot 122, an<br />

East, the Southernmost, and a West boundary of Run<br />

liu North boundaries of Lots 133, 118, 32,<br />

113, Aron Locations 12459, 12808, 17856, parts of the<br />

South and West, boundaries of Location 1.8519 to the<br />

Southern side of the Brookton-Corrigin Railway Reserve,<br />

and along said side of the Railway Reserve to<br />

the East boundary of Location 16003, nut Of the East<br />

and the South boundary of said Location 16603, the<br />

Southern boundary of Location 10054, parts of the<br />

East, and South boundaries of Location 9543, the<br />

and the South boundary of Location 18521; theme to<br />

and along- a South boundary of. Location 18537, and<br />

sin East, a Soutlwrnmost, a West, and again a South<br />

boundary of said Location 18537, the Southern boundary<br />

of Location 14348, part of the East and the North<br />

boundary of Location 5349, the le NO tiller lel WA boundary<br />

of Location No 12764, the NortlieriooiA, n a. West,<br />

and a North bound ary of Location 7 221,<br />

part of the<br />

South and the West boundaries of Locations 6800 and<br />

22410, the Northernmost boundary of Location 18461,<br />

part of an East and the Northernmost boundary of<br />

Location 18727 a. North, an -Last, the Northernmost,<br />

a West, a North a West, and again a North boundary<br />

of Location 18928, the North boundary of Location<br />

16189 to intersect the District boundary.<br />

On the Westward by part of the Distriet boundary<br />

from the said intersection to the starting point.<br />

Woger112 TiEard.-Bounded un the Northward by part<br />

of the District, boundary _from its intersection with the<br />

North-Eastern boundary of the Kunjin Ward to intersect<br />

the production North of the East boendary of<br />

Location 21329.<br />

011 the Eastward by lines commencing at the latter<br />

intersection and extending Southward along said production<br />

and East boundary of Location 21329, the<br />

Northernmost and the Westernmost boundary of Location<br />

18867, the South and the South-East boundary<br />

of Location 13639, a South-East, a North-East, and<br />

again a South-East boundary of Location 16896, the<br />

South-Eastern boundaries of Locations 18910 and<br />

20130, part of the East and the South boundary of<br />

Location 16892, part of the East and the South-Eastern<br />

boundary of Location 18645, the East boundaries of<br />

Locations 18864 and 13886 and the South boundary of<br />

the latter, part of the North-East and an East boundary<br />

of Location 17613, the East boundary of Location<br />

13888, again an East and the Southernmost boundary<br />

of Location 17613, part of the East and the South<br />

boundary of Location 18828, the Easternmost, a South,<br />

and an East boundary of Location 18827 to its South -<br />

East corner.<br />

On the Southward by lines commencing at the said<br />

South-East corner and extending Westward along the<br />

Southernmost and the South-West boundary of said Location<br />

18827, the South-Easteim boundaries of Locations<br />

19653, 16489, 19054, Kunjin A.A. Lots 41 and<br />

126, to intersect the Eastern boundary of the iKunjin<br />

Ward.<br />

On the Westward by the Eastern and North-Eastern<br />

boundary of the Kunjin Ward from the ,aid intersection<br />

to the starting point.<br />

Kurranicatten Ward.- Bounded on the Northward,<br />

Eastward, and part of the Southward by part of the<br />

District boundary from its intersection with the East<br />

boundary of the Wogerlin Ward to intersect the production<br />

South of the East boundary of Location<br />

16856; thence along said production and East boundary<br />

and the North boundary of said location, part of<br />

the North-East boundary of Location 16852, the .Northern<br />

boundaries of Locations 16858, 16853, 20587,<br />

16800, 16867, 17921, 17922, 16869, 18806, 18805, 18804,<br />

18802, and 18800, the East, and the South-West boundaries<br />

of Location 18798, the Northernmost boundary<br />

of Location 18790, the North boundary of Location<br />

13047, part of the North boundary of Location 18649,<br />

the East boundary of Location 18648, the East, North,<br />

and West boundaries of Location 18647, the South<br />

boundary of Location 9112, the East and part of the<br />

North boundary of Location 9113 to intersect the production<br />

South of the West boundary of Location 9110.<br />

On the Westward by lines commencing at the said<br />

intersection and extending Northward :don said production<br />

and West boundary, the Westernmost boundary<br />

of Locations 16025, part of the South boundary of Location<br />

17615 to the Eastern boundary of the Wogerlin<br />

Ward, and along said Ward boundary to the starting<br />

point.<br />

Central lEard.-Bounded oil the Northward by parts<br />

of the boundaries of the Wogerlin and ikurrenkutten<br />

Wards from the intersection of the South boundary of<br />

Location 18828 with the production North of the East<br />

boundary of Location 18827 to the intersection of the<br />

South boundary of Location 17615 with the production<br />

North of the Westernmost boundary of Location 16025.<br />

On the Eastward by part of the West boundary of<br />

the Kurrenkutten Ward 'from the latter intersection to<br />

the North boundary of Location 9113 ; thence along<br />

part of the North. boundary of said Location No. 9113<br />

and an East boundary of Corrigin Townsite to its<br />

South-East corner.<br />

On the Southward by the Southermnost boundary of<br />

the Corrigin Townsite to intersect the Eastern boundary<br />

of Location 11595.<br />

On the Westward by the Eastern boundary of said<br />

Location 11595 and the Easternmost boundary of Location<br />

18827 from the said intersection to the starting<br />

point.<br />

Dondalcic ard. Bounded on the Northward by the<br />

South and part of the East boundary of the Wogerlin<br />

Ward, part of the West, the South. and part of the<br />

East boundary of the Central Ward and part of the<br />

South boundary of the Kurrenkutten Ward from the<br />

South-Western side of the Rabbit-proof Fence to the<br />

District boundary at the production Sonth of the East<br />

boundary of Location 16856.<br />

On the Eastward and Southward by fart of the<br />

District boundary from its intersection_ with the production<br />

South of the East boundary of Location 16856<br />

to intersect the Western side of the Rabbit-proof<br />

Pence.<br />

On the Westward by the Western side of the Rabbitproof<br />

Fence and tart of the Eastern boundary of the<br />

Kunjin Ward from the intersection of the former with<br />

the South boundary of the District to the starting<br />

point.<br />

Bu:laring Ward.- Bounded on the Northward by the<br />

South boundary of the Kunjin Ward from its intersection<br />

with the West boundary of the District to intersect<br />

the Western side of the Rabbit-proof Pence.<br />

On the Eastward by part of the West boundary of<br />

the Domlakin Ward from the latter intersection to intersect<br />

the Southern boundary of the District.<br />

On the Southward and Westward by parts of the<br />

District boundaries from the last-mentioned intersection<br />

to the starting point.

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