RN A S - State Law Publisher

RN A S - State Law Publisher

RN A S - State Law Publisher


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OCTOBER 13, 1922.] GOVE<strong>RN</strong>MENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1941<br />


Application for Discharge.<br />

Debtor's Name. Address. Description. 1 Date<br />

Sanko Daeheff Marrinup Timber Cutter Supreme Court,<br />

Perth<br />

Dated this 12th day of October, 1922.<br />

In the Supreme Court of Western Australia.<br />

In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment<br />

Court. Number. fixed for<br />

Hearing.<br />

13 of 1920 Sth day of November,<br />

1922.<br />

M. M. MOSS,<br />

Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Supreme Court, Perth.<br />

Acts of Parliament, etc.continued. £ s. d.<br />

Act, 1898," and in the matter of David Alexander Fire Brigades Act, 1916, and Amendment .. 0 1 9<br />

Hossaek -McGillivray and Charles McGillivray (trad- Firms Registration Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0<br />

ing together in partnership, in the firm name of Fisheries Act .. .. .. .. 0 1 3<br />

"J. Paul & Co.''), Electrical Engineers, of William Foodstuffs Commission Act .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Street, Perth. Footwear Regulation Act .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Forests Act .. .. .. .. .. 0 1<br />

Notice of Meeting.<br />

Fremantle Harbour Trust Act and Amendment 0 2<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the Creditors<br />

of the above-named David Alexander Hossack<br />

McGillivray and Charles McGillivray will be held at the<br />

offices of the undersigned, Weld Chambers, St. George's<br />

Terrace, Perth, on Monday, the 23rd day of October,<br />

1922, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, in<br />

pursuance of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act,<br />

189S."<br />

Dated this 12th day of October, 1922.<br />

[a.s.-1 Q. H. JAMES,<br />

Agent for the Debtor.<br />

Q. H. James 4- Co., Public Accountants, 50-54 Weld<br />

Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth.<br />


GOVE<strong>RN</strong>MENT PRINTING OFFICE.<br />

Friendly Societies Act and Amendments ..<br />

Fruit Cases .. .<br />

Game Act (Consolidated) .. .. ..<br />

General Loan and Inscribed Stock Act and<br />

Amendment .. ..<br />

Goldfields Water Supply Act ..<br />

Government Electric Works ..<br />

Government Savings Bank Act ..<br />

Grain and Foodstuffs . ..<br />

Hansard Report, per vol. .. .. ..<br />

Hansard, Report, weekly issue, per copy ..<br />

Hansard Report, Annual Subscription ..<br />

Hawkers and Pedlars Act and Amendment..<br />

Health Act Consolidation .. .. ..<br />

Illicit Sale of Liquor .. .. .. ..<br />

Immigration Act and Amendments .. ..<br />

Imported Labour Act and Amendments ..<br />

Income (and Land) Tax Assessment ..<br />

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Index to Government Gazette (yearly) ..<br />

s. d. Industrial Arbitration Act .. .. .. 0 2 3<br />

Abattoirs 0 6 Inebriates .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Aborigines Act (Consolidated) . 1 0 industries Assistance .. .. .. .. 0 3 3<br />

Abstract of Stamp Duties .. 0 6 Inspection of Machinery Act with Regulations 0 2 6<br />

Administration Act .. 0 2 6 Insurance Companies Act .. 0 0 6<br />

Adoption of Children (see also "<strong>State</strong> Interpretation Act .. .. . 0 1 0<br />

Children") .. 0 2 0 Interstate Destitute Persons' Relief 0 0 9<br />

Agricultural Bank Act and Amendments .. 0 4 3 Irrigation and Rights in Water Act 0 1 3<br />

Arbitration Act .. 0 0 9 Justices Act (Consolidated) .. 0 3 3<br />

Associations Incorporation Act 0 0 6 JusticesManual for .. .. . 0 10 6<br />

Auctioneers Act and Amendments .. 0 1 6 Land Agents .. .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Bankruptcy Amendment Act, ls.; Rules, 1892,<br />

Land and Income Tax Assessment<br />

0 2 6<br />

5s.; Rules, 1898, ls.<br />

Land Act and Amendment ..<br />

0 4 0<br />

Bills of Sale Act and Amendments .. 0 4 0 Land Tax Adjustment Act .. 0 0 6<br />

Boat Licensing Act and Amendments 0 2 6 Landlord and Tenant Act, 1912 0 0 6<br />

Brands Act 0 1 0 Legal Practitioners Act .. 0 1 3<br />

Bread Act and Amendments .. 0 2 0 Legitimation .. 0 0 6<br />

Bunbury Harbour Board 0 1 0 Licensed Surveyors .. 0 0 9<br />

Bush Fires Act .. 0 1 0 Licensing Act (new edition) 0 4 3'<br />

Cemeteries Act and Amendments 0 2 9 Life Assurance Act .. 0 1 9'<br />

Companies Act and Amendments 0 3 6 Limited Partnerships .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Control of Trade in War Time 0 1 0 Local Court Act (Consolidated) 0 2 3<br />

Co-operative and Provident Societies Act .. 0 1 3 Lunacy Act (Consolidated) .. 0 2 9<br />

Criminal Code Act and Rules, quarter bound,<br />

Marine Stores Act .. .. .. .. 0 0 9'<br />

with index (new edition) . .. 0 10 6<br />

Married Women's Property Act and Amend-<br />

Crown Suits Act .. 0 1 3 ments 0 1<br />

Curator of Intestate Estates Act 0 0 9 Masters and Servants Act 0 0 9'<br />

Declarations and Attestations .. 0 0 6 Matches, White Phosphorus .. 0 0 6'<br />

Dentists Act and Amendment .. .. 0 1 6 Medical Practitioners Act .. .. .. 0 1 3'<br />

Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Act .. 0 1 3 Merchant Shipping Act Application Act .. 0 1 CP<br />

Dividend Duties 0 3 6 Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and<br />

Divorce Act 0 2 9 Drainage .. 0 2 a<br />

Dog Act .. 0 0 9 Mining Act, 1904 .. 0 2 6<br />

Droving Act 0 1 0 Mines Regulation Act .. .. .. .. 0 0 9<br />

Education Act and Amendments 0 5 0 Mining Development Act .. .. 0 0 9<br />

Electoral Act and Amendment 0 4 0 Money Lenders Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0<br />

Electric Lighting Act .. 0 1 6 Municipal Corporations Act .. .. 0 5 0<br />

Employers' Liability Act 0 0 6 Naval and Military Absentees' Relief 0 0 6<br />

Employment Brokers Act and Amendment .. 0 1 3 Noxious Weeds .. . 0 0 6<br />

Evidence Act 0 2 6 Opium Smoking Prohibition .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Explosives Act and Regulations 0 3 0 Pawnbrokers Act and Amendment .. .. 0 1 3<br />

Extradition CasesProcedure .. 0 5 0 Pearling Act .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 3<br />

Factories and Shops Act and Amendment 0 2 9 Perth Municipal Gas and Electric Lighting.. 0 1 6<br />

Regulations .. 0 0 3 Perth Tramways 0 0 9<br />

Fencing and Trespass Act and Amendment .. 0 2 3 Pharmacy and Poisons Act .. .. .. 0 1 0<br />

Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act and Amend- Plant Diseases Act .. .. .. 0 0 9<br />

ments . 0 1 6 Pocket Year-book, Statistical .. .. .. 0 0 3

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