Helsestatistik for de nordiske lande 1997 - nomesco

Helsestatistik for de nordiske lande 1997 - nomesco

Helsestatistik for de nordiske lande 1997 - nomesco


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The Åland hospitals are specialised institutions<br />

with both outpatient and inpatient<br />

treatment.<br />

Specialised treatment outsi<strong>de</strong> the hospitals<br />

is provi<strong>de</strong>d as consultative services<br />

<strong>for</strong> the primary health care and <strong>for</strong> private<br />

general practitioners.<br />

The primary health care is the other sector<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the ÅHS. The structure corresponds<br />

functionally as well as i<strong>de</strong>ologically<br />

to the Finnish public health care.<br />

Advice concerning contraceptives and<br />

counselling <strong>for</strong> mothers and infants functions<br />

as in Finland. Immunization programmes<br />

are voluntary and the recommendations<br />

are as in Finland. Physiotherapy<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the ÅHS is a shared function<br />

both <strong>for</strong> the primary health care and<br />

the hospitals. As a supplement a number<br />

of private physiotherapists are used by<br />

the public sector.<br />

Dental treatment is part of the primary<br />

health care and the youngest age groups<br />

have the highest priority together with<br />

certain risk groups and preventive measures.<br />

If possible, other patient groups are<br />

also treated. The private sector is well established<br />

with a high capacity and provi<strong>de</strong><br />

an important supplement.<br />

ICELAND: The health sector is regulated<br />

according to the health act of 1990. Apart<br />

from that, the most important laws are:<br />

• The Act on Physicians<br />

• The Act on Patients Rights<br />

• The Act concerning Social Security<br />

• The Act on Communicable Diseases.<br />

The administration of the health service<br />

is divi<strong>de</strong>d between the Government and<br />

regional and local boards. The role of the<br />


De ålandske sygehuse er specialisere<strong>de</strong><br />

institutioner, <strong>de</strong>r udfører såvel ambulant<br />

behandling og behandling af indlagte patienter.<br />

Speciallægevirksomhe<strong>de</strong>n u<strong>de</strong>n <strong>for</strong> sygehusene<br />

eksisterer i <strong>for</strong>m af konsultativ bistand<br />

til <strong>de</strong>n offentlige primære behandling<br />

og til <strong>de</strong> privatpraktiseren<strong>de</strong> læger.<br />

Det primære sundhedsvæsen er <strong>de</strong>n an<strong>de</strong>n<br />

resultatenhed in<strong>de</strong>n <strong>for</strong> ÅHS. Strukturen<br />

svarer i<strong>de</strong>ologisk og driftsmæssigt<br />

til <strong>de</strong>t finske folkesundhedsarbej<strong>de</strong>. Rådgivning<br />

vedrøren<strong>de</strong> prævention, rådgivning<br />

til mødre og småbørn fungerer som<br />

i Finland. Vaccinationsprogrammer er<br />

frivillige, og anbefalingerne svarer til <strong>de</strong><br />

finske. Fysioterapien in<strong>de</strong>n <strong>for</strong> ÅHS er<br />

en fællesfunktion <strong>for</strong> bå<strong>de</strong> primærsektoren<br />

og sygehusene. Som et supplement<br />

er <strong>de</strong>r et antal private fysioterapeuter<br />

som også anven<strong>de</strong>s af <strong>de</strong>t offentlige.<br />

Tandbehandlingen er en <strong>de</strong>l af <strong>de</strong>t primære<br />

sundhedsvæsen. Behandling af <strong>de</strong><br />

yngre al<strong>de</strong>rsgrupper og visse risikopatientgrupper<br />

samt <strong>for</strong>ebyggen<strong>de</strong> <strong>for</strong>anstaltninger<br />

har højeste prioritet. Såfremt<br />

<strong>de</strong>t er muligt behandler man også andre<br />

patienter. Den private sektor er kapacitetsmæssigt<br />

veludbygget og udgør et vigtigt<br />

supplement.<br />

ISLAND: Sundhedsvæsenets arbej<strong>de</strong> reguleres<br />

af sundhedsloven fra 1990. Derudover<br />

er <strong>de</strong> vigtigste love:<br />

• Lov om lægevirksomhed,<br />

• Lov om patientrettighe<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

• Lov vedrøren<strong>de</strong> social sikring,<br />

• Lov om smitsomme sygdomme.<br />

Formelt er <strong>for</strong>valtningen tre<strong>de</strong>lt mellem<br />

staten, regionale styrelser og lokale styrelser.<br />

Statens rolle er dog bety<strong>de</strong>ligt større<br />


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