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118 EARTHLY LIFE OF <strong>FAIRIES</strong><br />

than I could eat," 29 though she paid for her repletion<br />

with her life. And in the Scotland of 1739, the fairies<br />

were still given to " stap those they met and are dis-<br />

pleased with full of butter and hear awne."<br />

For those mortals to whom they had taken an especial<br />

fancy, they were given to providing banquets and feasts,<br />

as, for instance, in The Wisdome of Doctor Dodypoll:<br />

Enter Fairies bringing in a banquet.<br />

0 daintie, 0 rare, a banquet, would to Christ,<br />

I were one of their guests: Gods ad, a fine little<br />

Dapper fellow has spyed me: what will he doo?<br />

He comes to make me drinke. I thanke you sir; 31<br />

or, in Robin Goodfellow; his mad prankes, and merry<br />

Jests, where a female friend of " a hee fayrie " every<br />

night " for meate . . . had capons, chickins, mutton,<br />

lambe, phesant, snite, woodcocke, partridge, quailes.<br />

. . . wine had shee of all sorts, muskadine, sacke, malm-<br />

sie, clarret, white and bastard "; 32 or in Huon of Bur-<br />

deux, in which Huon was banqueted as royally at the<br />

hands of Ober~n.~~<br />

It was a smaller need but equally as vital a one which<br />

bound the fairies a second time to mortal society. With<br />

the lakes and springs of England at their command, they<br />

seemed unable to obtain bath water without human inter-<br />

vention. This, and the receptacle in which it was con-<br />

tained, they demanded both for their own baths, and<br />

especially, for the baths of their small children, a fact<br />

which was generally recognized.<br />

29 Pitcairn, Crim. Trials, Gen. App., p. 604.<br />

30 Robert Heron, Observations made on a Tour through the West-<br />

ern Highlands of Scotland, 1793, Vol. 11, p. 227.<br />

31 Act 111, E2.<br />

32 Hazlitt rpt., p. 177.<br />

V01. I, pt. I, pp. 74-75,

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